1 HIGH-LEVEL FORUM ON STRATEGIC PLANNING FOR STATISTICS IN SOUT-EAST ASIA COUNTRIES BANGKOK, THAILAND, 6-8 JUNE, 2006 SESSION 2 The Current Status of Strategic Statistical Planning: An Overview Frederick W H HO Facilitator
2 PLANNING FOR STATISTICAL DEVELOPMENT Aspects to consider 1) The framework within which planning is performed 2) The planning process 3) The plan 4) The launching and monitoring of plan implementation 5) The mechanism for constantly improving the planning process
3 The Framework within which Planning is Performed > political, legal and administrative frameworks – support and commitment > integration of statistical planning into the national planning mechanism > partners, beneficiaries and stakeholders > consultation and consensus-reaching mechanism
4 The Planning Process > Strategic approach – multi-level planning activities: deciding on > what are the right things to do; then > how to do the things right > Devising strategies to create a favourable environment for statistical development > Drawing on international standards, recommendations and experiences > Incorporating result-based management principles > Involving relevant parties; invoking consultation and consensus– reaching mechanisms
5 The Plan: areas to address in its contents > Statistical Infrastructure > Programme areas > Measures to achieve comprehensiveness and coherence of statistics produced across the entire National Statistical System > Immediate data needs and long-term data needs > Allocation of responsibilities to different levels of action parties > Financial and other resources
6 Launching and Monitoring of Plan Implementation > Change Management > Monitoring and control mechanism > Adjustments made as necessary > Planning performance indicators > Feedback channels
7 The Mechanism for Constantly Improving the Planning Process > Good Documentation > Knowledge Management – Knowledge depository Knowledge sharing Knowledge creation
8 THE CURRENT STATUS OF STRATEGIC STATISTICAL PLANNING The Framework within which Planning is Performed > Political support and commitment generally secured > Legal backing of statistical activities available > Consultative frameworks exist
9 THE CURRENT STATUS OF STRATEGIC STATISTICAL PLANNING The Planning Process > The need to create a favourable environment for statistical activities well recognized > Some tendency to rely on collating existing systems and projects > International standards, recommendations and experiences well taken on board > Result-based management principles generally adopted >> Opportunity to exploit cost saving techniques
10 THE CURRENT STATUS OF STRATEGIC STATISTICAL PLANNING The Plan: areas addressed by its contents > Statistical infrastructure being strengthened > Achievement of comprehensiveness and coherence of statistics produced across the entire NSS being a definite goal, but a tough task > Split of statistical responsibilities among ministries and between the centre and local levels a subject of constant debate and a source of problems
11 THE CURRENT STATUS OF STRATEGIC STATISTICAL PLANNING Launching and Monitoring of Plan Implementation >Making sure that the plan is actually implemented both in spirit and in practical terms is not easy -- >>the need is well recognized; >>tough task; >>countries are attempting to create and try out mechanisms to tackle this
12 THE CURRENT STATUS OF STRATEGIC STATISTICAL PLANNING The Mechanism for Constantly Improving the Planning Process > Countries are trying their best to benefit from previous experience in planning >>Knowledge management skills are employed
13 Thank You