Do Now: What were the main causes of the Cold War? Homework: Early Cold War Quiz Tomorrow, study your worksheet and the packet that you received Friday.
Different political views: Communism was the government & economic structure in the Soviet Union. No private property Private business was not encouraged Land was owned by the state
U.S. U.S. followed capitalism Encouraged entrepreneurs Private business Competition Democracy- people have the right to vote, have a say in the government & who represents them
Nonaggression Pact Think about how the Soviet Union started WWI and WWII. U.S. could not forgive the Soviet Union for aligning themselves with Germany Especially Stalin forming the axis with Hitler
Atomic Bomb Soviet Union upset the U.S. had created this in secret. If there is an alliance why hide it….. Soviet Union wants not only the same weapon but a more destructive weapon
Yalta Conference Big Three respresnted- U.S. G.B. and S.U Stalin stated he would allow Poland to have “free elections” Later at Potsdam Conference (now Truman) Stalin said “NO!” to free elections
Soviet Union Expansion Expansion into Eastern Europe
After WWII two world superpowers were the U.S. & Soviet Union
Cold War- atmosphere of tension between superpowers. U.S. had the power of the atomic bomb on their side which allowed them to have an intimidation factor that other countries did not have.
Stalin’s Goals: Stalin wanted to spread communism. Stalin was setting up communist puppet governments- Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria These countries were called Satellites of the Soviet Union Bloc- a group linked by a common interest This was what Stalin created in Eastern Europe.
United Nations General Assembly * more specifically the Security Council will not be able to function as it wanted because of the fraction of the 5 main seats.
Iron Curtain Created to describe the political barrier between the soviet bloc (satellite nations) and the West. (free)