Flour and flour mixture Dr.Fatimah Yousef
Flours Flours provide structure, texture, and flavor to baked products. Starch is one of the compounds in flour that strengthens the baked item through gelatinization, and is one of the factor contribute to crumb. Crumb is partially created during baking by: The number and size of air cells produced. The degree of starch gelatinization. The amount of protein coagulation. Crumb اللب Dr. Fatimah Yousef12013
Types of Wheat Flour Whole-Wheat Flour White Flour Durum Flour (Semolina) All-purpose flour: The flour created by a blend of hard and soft wheat milling streams. Pastry Flour Cake Flour Gluten Flour Durum القاسي لصناعة المكرونة All-Purpose Flour هو خليط من دقيق القمح القوي والضعيف البروتين (11%) يصلح لجميع عجائن خميرة البيرة المختلفة كالخبز والبريوش وبودنج البابا و كذلك عجينة الشو وغيرها حتى يعطي هيكلا قوياً للمخبوزات Cake Flour: يسمى الدقيق الأبيض الفاخر / الزيرو تصل نسبة الاستخلاص به إلى 70-75%، و نسبة البروتين به 8% حتى يعطي الهيكل الناعم للكعك Pastry Flourدقيق الفطائر هو دقيق خاص بصناعة الفطائر ويحتوي على نسبة أعلى من البروتين (9%) عن دقيق الكعك حتى يمتص كمية أكبر من الماء ويعطي الفطائر الهيكل القوي لحجز الهواء وخاصة الفطائر المورقة كالميل في. Dr. Fatimah Yousef12013
Gluten: The protein portion of wheat flour with the elastic characteristics necessary for the structure of most baked products . Knead: To work the dough into an elastic mass by pushing, stretching, and folding it. Knead يعجن folding الطوي والفرد Dr. Fatimah Yousef12013
Gluten When wheat flour is mixed with water, an elastic network forms when two types of protein in flour, gliadin and glutenin combine to yield the protein complex glutein. Glutein is both elastic and plastic, and has the ability to expand with the inner pressure of gases such as air, steam, or carbon dioxide. The two major steps of gluten formation involve hydrating the flour mixture and kneading the dough. The greater the protein content in the flour, the more water will be absorbed, because gliadin and glutenin absorb about twice their weight water. Plastic لدائني
Gluten formation Non-gluten is consist of الألبيومين والجلوبيولين وتوجد بنسبه 15% Dr. Fatimah Yousef12013
Dr. Fatimah Yousef12013
Kneading It is used extensively in bread-making and briefly for biscuits and pastries. It stretches the dough to increase gluten strength. Distributes the yeast throughout the dough mass. Redistributes the air bubbles, increasing fermentation and CO2 gas production. Too much kneading will break the gluten strands, resulting in a sticky, lumpy dough with little elasticity. Sticky لزج lumpy متكتل Dr. Fatimah Yousef12013
Flours Types of Non-Wheat Flour Rice Flour Cornmeal Flour Soy Flour Potato Flour Gluten-free Grains. Rice is gluten free Soy is higher in protein because it is made for soy beans (high in protein) More lysine than grains. Triticale is hybrid of wheat and rye. Potato cooked and dried potatoes. Aged- fresh milled is not white, and the baked products are of poor quality. Historically flour was stored so it could age and become naturally bleached by oxygen in air. Bleached – to bypass natural aging, all purpose flour is exposed to chlorine gas. It lightens the flour(bleaches out the carotenoids) and improvesB the condition of the gluten. Bleaching agents evaporate and do not alter the nutrient value of flour. Enriched – B vitamins and iron. Dr. Fatimah Yousef12013
Flour Mixture Ingredients Flour mixture ingredients may include: Sugar Salt Liquid Fat Eggs Leavening agents Sugar- sweetness, volume, moistness, tenderness, color , appearance and calories food for yeast, increases volume of baked product as it increase temperature of coagulation –rises longer, finer texture Water retaining thus delays staling, add moisture Competes with starch for water and necessary hydration for gluten formation Browning thru carmelization. Salt Salt -Flavor, firmer dough, Liquid – hydrates flour for gelatinization, allows gluten to form, solvent for other ingredients Fat – improves volume, melts during baking adding to moisture and batter expands better. Improves crumb, strength, and flakiness. Lower fat has velvety crumb. Flavor and color. Delays staling. Eggs – flavor, color, leavening, nutrients and structural enhancement. Coagulation of egg proteins make a fine and delicate crumb. Dr. Fatimah Yousef12013
Sugar Sweetening such as cakes, sweet breads….. Functions of sugar in flour mixtures include the following: Sweetening such as cakes, sweet breads….. Increases the volume of cake and cookies by: Incorporation of air into the fat during creaming. Contributes to volume in bread by: Providing food for the yeast. Too much sugar (over 12%) results in a proportional decrease in volume. Raises the temperature at which gelatinization and coagulation occur, which gives the gluten more time to stretch, thereby further increasing the volume of the baked product and contributing to a finer, more even texture. Dr. Fatimah Yousef12013
Sugar Increases moistness and tenderness and also helps delay staling, thus improving the shelf life of baked products. Helps to brown the outer crust of baked products through caramelization and the Maillard reaction. Too much/ too little sugar: Baked products made with too much sugar may fall, have a lower volume, a gummy texture and an excessively browned crust. Too little sugar results in dryness, reduced browning, lower volume, and less tenderness. Dr. Fatimah Yousef12013
Excess sugar decreases cake volume and results in Flavor extracts, cocoa, melted baking chocolate, fruits, spices, nuts, and other flavorings, seemingly limited only by the baker’s imagination, may be added to vary the taste experience Excess sugar decreases cake volume and results in a gummy texture
Salt/flavorings Small amounts of salt are added to flour mixtures for: Producing a firmer dough Improving the volume, texture and evenness of cell structure. Prolong shelf-life. Too much/too little salt: Excess salt produces a firm dough with a low volume (because of partially inhibited fermentation), dense cells and a too salty taste. Too little salt produces a flowing, sticky dough with a low volume, uneven cell structure, lack of color, and a bland taste. Firmer صلب Dr. Fatimah Yousef12013
Too much salt inhibits yeast activity, reducing the amount of carbon dioxide gas produced and decreasing the volume of the loaf. Dr. Fatimah Yousef12013
Liquid Hydrate the flour and gelatinize the starch. Gluten formation. Solvent for the dry ingredients. Activates the yeast. Provides steam for leavening, and allows baking powder or soda to react and produce carbon dioxide gas. Too much/too little liquid: Excess liquid may result in a very moist baked item with low volume. Too little liquid may produce a dry baked product that is low in volume and stales quickly. Liquid in some form is required in flour mixtures to hydrate the flour and to gelatinize the starch. The water in the liquid also allows gluten to be formed, acts as a solvent for the dry ingredients, activates the yeast, provides steam for leavening, and allows baking powder or soda to react and produce carbon dioxide gas Milk is usually recommended over water, because it improves the overall quality of the baked product. In addition to contributing water, milk adds flavor and nutrients and contains certain compounds that help produce a velvety texture, a creamy white crumb, and a browner crust. The lactose in milk participates in the Maillard reaction. Dr. Fatimah Yousef12013
Too much/ too little fat: Fat incorporated into the flour mixture interferes with the development of gluten, creating a more tender crumb. The higher fat content the shorter gluten strands, and the softer and more easily handled. Adding too much fat (over 20% of the flour's weight) make the baked product too short and results in a lower volume because of an insufficient gluten structure. Too little fat makes a better resistant to expansion during leavening and results in a tougher crumb. Dr. Fatimah Yousef12013
Fat Fat performs many functions in baked goods. It acts as a: Tenderizer Improve volume Structure Flavor Color Resistance to staling It also plays a role in heat transfer Dr. Fatimah Yousef12013
Eggs Eggs are added to some flour mixtures: Structural integrity Leavening Color Flavor Added nutrient content Too much/ too little egg: Excess eggs causes a tough, rubbery texture in the baked product. Too little egg causes insufficient volume, and inferior structure strength, color, flavor, and nutrient content. Dr. Fatimah Yousef12013
Leavening Agents Baking soda: A white chemical leavening powder consisting of sodium bicarbonate. Up to ¼ teaspoon of baking soda is required for each cup of flour. Only used when flour mixture included acid ingredients. Baking powder: A chemical leavener consisting of a mixture of baking soda, acid(s), and an inert filler such as cornstarch. Is not necessary included acid ingredients because the acid has been already added. Baking soda Dr. Fatimah Yousef12013
Baking soda needs an acid to work. Examples include: tartaric acid, molasiss, lemon, brouwn sugar, cocoa. Works immediately. Do not leave on counter, put in oven Dr. Fatimah Yousef12013
Yeast The ability of yeasts (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), which are naturally found in air, water, and living organisms, to produce carbon dioxide through fermentation. Yeasts are available in several forms, and are classified on the basis of their activity. Active yeasts : Inactive yeasts: Dr. Fatimah Yousef12013
Flour Mixture Ingredients The yeasts started to feed off the available sugar , producing CO2 and water, the same in the absence of oxygen results in the yeast producing ethyl alcohol, or ethanol . Dr. Fatimah Yousef12013
Preparation of baked goods Flour mixture are either dough or batter depending on their flour-to- liquid ration. Dough: A flour mixture that is dry enough to be handled and kneaded. Batter: A flour mixture that contains more water than a dough and whose consistency ranges from pourable to sticky. Dough: A flour mixture that is dry enough to be handled and kneaded. Batter: A flour mixture that contains more water than a dough and whose consistency ranges from pourable to sticky. Dr. Fatimah Yousef12013
Preparation of Baked Goods Doughs are classified according to their moisture content into stiff or soft doughs. Batters, like doughs, are also classified according to their moisture content, and may be either pour or drop batters. Poured Dr. Fatimah Yousef12013
Preparation of baked goods Dough: A flour mixture that is dry enough to be handled and kneaded. Batter: A flour mixture that contains more water than a dough and whose consistency ranges from pourable to sticky. Dr. Fatimah Yousef12013
Storage of flour and flour mixtures Flour should be stored in best-proof containers and kept in a cool, dry place. White flour will keep in such conditions for about a year. Whole-grain flours should be refrigerated and can be held for only about three months. Flour should be kept cool to prevent the activation of its natural enzymes. Kneaded flour mixtures can be frozen; after defrosting, they are ready to be shaped and baked. Extended frozen storage can lead to a gradual loss of dough strength, which is why frozen dough's have a relatively short shelf life. White flour will keep in such conditions for about a year. Whole-grain flours should be refrigerated and can be held for only about three months. Flour should be kept cool to prevent the activation of its natural enzymes, which can cause it to deteriorate if it is stored too long. Kneaded flour mixtures can be frozen; after defrosting, they are ready to be shaped and baked. Extended frozen storage can lead to a gradual loss of dough strength, which is why frozen doughs have a relatively short shelf life. Dr. Fatimah Yousef12013
Preparation of yeast breads When breads are leavened with carbon dioxide produced by baker’s yeast, they are known as yeast breads. Yeast bread is prepared by mixing the ingredients into a dense, pliable dough that is kneaded, allowed to rise by fermentation, and then cooked. Pliable لين , typically by baking, but sometimes by steaming or frying. Normally, the preparation of yeast bread is at least a two-and-a-half to three-hour operation. Sourdough breads take even longer, requiring about eight to ten hours to make and fully develop their flavor. Dr. Fatimah Yousef12013
Preparation of yeast breads The fundamental ingredients of any yeast bread are: Flour Liquid Sugar Salt Yeast Fat (optional) Eggs (optional) Function Flour – structure. High protein flour for best results. More gluten potential Liquid- hydrate solids, gelatinization Salt- controls yeast growth. Fermentation would be too rapid without it and result in sticky dough. Too much inhibits yeast activity. Yeast- biological leavening agent. Single cell organism Fat and eggs Dr. Fatimah Yousef12013
Preparation of yeast breads As the yeast ferments, the dough will double in size as carbon dioxide is produced by the yeast and as enzyme and pH changes take effect. Dr. Fatimah Yousef12013
Kneading develops the dough's gluten to its maximum potential Kneading develops the dought’s gluten to its maximum potential Kneading develops the dough's gluten to its maximum potential Dr. Fatimah Yousef12013
Preparation of yeast breads Yeasts are very sensitive to temperature extremes. Optimal fermentation temperatures: Activated at 68 to 100°F (20 to 38°C) Slowing down below 50°F (10°C) Dying if exposed to temperatures at or above 140°F (60°C) Yeast feed off of saccarrides either from flour or sugar. An enzyme in yeast hydrolizes starc to glucose and fructose whle flour amylases break down starch to maltose. During hydration yeastactivated (alive but dormant before) Activated in warm water Carbon dioxide generat4d by growing yeast makes dough rise Dr. Fatimah Yousef12013
Preparation of yeast breads Punching Down— Second Rising Once the dough has risen to double its size, it is punched down and left to rise a second time. Shaping After the bread has risen, it is ready for shaping. Punching down evens out temperatures, redistributes sugars, yeast and gluten, breaks large air bubbles into smaller cells and lets excess carbon dioxide escape. Otherwise large holes. Dr. Fatimah Yousef12013
Preparation of Yeast Breads Proofing is the final rising that occurs in the pan or on a baking sheet, and it has an important effect on the quality of the finished bread. Proof: To increase the volume of shaped dough through continued fermentation. Place the shaped dough in a warm humid environment. Cover with cloth and allow to double in size. One of the purposes of proofing is to create a dough that is adequately aerated. If the dough expands beyond what is recommended, it leads to overextension of the gluten, which causes the cell walls to break and collapse, the fermentation gas to escape, and, ultimately, a low volume in the finished product. Dr. Fatimah Yousef12013
Preparation of yeast breads Oven spring: The quick expansion of dough during the first ten minutes of baking, caused by expanding gases. Dr. Fatimah Yousef12013
Preparation of yeast breads Crumb: The cell structure appearing when a baked product is sliced. Evaluation is based on cell size (called “open” if medium to large, or “closed” if small), cell shape, and cell thickness (thin walls occur in fine crumb, while thick walls predominate in a coarse crumb). Dr. Fatimah Yousef12013
Storage of yeast breads Fresh If it is not going to be consumed right away, it should be completely cooled before being wrapped and stored in a dry, cool place at room temperature. Unfortunately, staling starts as soon as the bread leaves the oven. Staling is best prevented by keeping the bread away from air. Several techniques include: Wrapping breads in plastic or paper bags And/or freezing Dr. Fatimah Yousef12013
Storage of yeast breads Refrigerated Bread should be refrigerated immediately in the warm temperatures and moist humidity of tropical regions. Frozen Freezing is one of the best ways to maintain some of the texture and flavor of freshly baked bread. Most breads can be frozen for two or three months. The bread should be wrapped in heavy-duty aluminum foil and dated. Frozen bread should be removed from the freezer and thawed at room temperature in the wrapper. Dr. Fatimah Yousef12013