ServerTemplate TM Deep Dive: Configuration for Multi-Cloud Environments Tim Miller Sr. Director ServerTemplate TM Development Cary Penniman Sr. Software Engineer
# 2 # 2 Talk with the Experts. Agenda Overview Multi-Cloud Templates Deeper Dive References Q/A
# 3 # 3 Talk with the Experts. Why Multi-Cloud Want to run in both Public and Private Clouds Compliance Price Performance Features Disaster Recovery SLA Geography
# 4 # 4 Talk with the Experts. Putting it into Practice Application Portfolio Requirements Filter Resource Pools App 1 App 2 App 3 Performance Cost Compliance Reliability Security App N
# 5 # 5 Talk with the Experts. RightScale Multi-Cloud ServerTemplates TM Linux HA Proxy Load Balancer PHP, Tomcat & Rails App Servers MySQL 5.1 and 5.5 Database Managers PostgreSQL Database Manager Storage Toolbox 4 different LAMP All-In-Ones Linux Base Windows IIS App Server Active Directory SQL Server Database Manager Windows Base
# 6 # 6 Talk with the Experts. Script is a Script
# 7 # 7 Talk with the Experts. Secret is the Multi-Cloud Image
# 8 # 8 Talk with the Experts. Code Once, Run Anywhere!
# 9 # 9 Talk with the Experts. Multi-Cloud Deep Dive
# 10 # Talk with the Experts. New Features: Machine Tags Tags are a useful way of attaching useful metadata to Servers Tool support to add, remove and query server tags Three main parts: namespace, predicate and value Syntax: namespace:predicate=value Example: loadbalancer:www=lb (a load balancer server for the 'www' vhost)
# 11 # Talk with the Experts. New Features: Remote Script Invocation Invoked by one server, run on another Uses tags for routing Scoped to the current deployment (or account) Example: rs_run_right_script --name "LB Attach App Server" -- recipient_tags "loadbalancer:www=lb" --json ~/my_info.json
# 12 # Talk with the Experts. New Features: Storage Toolbox It's all about persistence! Primary Backup Uses local cloud persistence Volumes snapshots preferred (i.e. EBS, Volumes) Secondary Backup Uses remote cloud for redundancy Useful in case of local cloud outage LVM snapshot uploads to a Remote Object Store (i.e. S3, CloudFiles) Built on our battle tested EBS Toolset
# 13 # Talk with the Experts. New Features: Storage Toolbox (cont.)
# 14 # Talk with the Experts. New Features: Built-in Chef Support System Configuration Language High Level, modular components Idempotent (potential for) External Source Control Management Easier to customize (modules, pull requests) Large pool of reusable content, community Chef Language != Chef Platform Now supporting Chef v
# 15 # Talk with the Experts. Recipes sys_firewall::default sys_firewall::setup_rule sys_firewall::do_list_rules Resource sys_firewall actions – update – update_request New Features: Built-in Firewall Support
# 16 # Talk with the Experts. New Features: Update Action To open a local port to all servers with a given tag use: sys_firewall "Open 3306 to all appservers" do machine_tag "appserver:active=true" port 3306 enable true action :update end This can be useful as a server is booting to open up access for multiple systems at once.
# 17 # Talk with the Experts. New Features: Update Request Action To request all servers with a given tag close a port to a given IP address use: sys_firewall "Request all close port 8000" do machine_tag "loadbalancer:www=app" port 8000 enable false ip_addr node[:cloud][:private_ips][0] action :update_request end This can be useful when decommissioning a running server that had previously requested ports opened.
# 18 # Talk with the Experts. New Features: Others Multiple Block Devices Load balancer supports multiple vhost pools Application Servers code download options Application Servers load balance options Support for multiple DNS providers Alert for “seconds behind master” EC2 EBS Stop/Start support
# 19 # Talk with the Experts. References Clouds Picking a Public Cloud 10 Keys for Buliding Private Clouds Things to Consider When Building a Private Cloud Building ServerTemplates Creating ServerTemplates using Chef - Part 1 Creating ServerTemplates using Chef - Part 2 Creating ServerTemplates using Chef - Part 3 Multi-Cloud Cookbooks