Objective: You will know the difference between a series and a parallel circuit and which one is best for wiring a house.
a fundamental form of energy observable in positive and negative forms that occurs naturally (as in lightning) or is produced (as in a generator) and that is expressed in terms of the movement and interaction of electronselectrons Basically, electricity is the flow of electrons. ectricity/ ectricity/
Solar Power Wind Power Coal Power Plant Nuclear Power Plant Hydroelectric Plant
In order for electricity to flow, you must have a complete circuit. The two types of circuits we will be working with today are called: Series Circuits Parallel Circuits triccircuits/
+ battery - switchswitch Light bulb
That last circuit was called a series circuit. In a series circuit, an electric circuit is connected so that current passes through each circuit element in turn without branching.
An electric circuit in which the elements, branches (having elements in series), or components are connected between two points, with one of the two ends of each component connected to each point.
At your table, try to create a parallel circuit that includes at least three light bulbs, two of which are controlled by switches. You must also include a DC motor in your circuit.
Create a parallel circuit that lights at least 12 light bulbs and is all controlled by one switch. I will split the room up for this.
Student Bag 4 wires 1 D Battery 1 Switch 1 Light Bulb Table Bag 1 D Battery 1 9V Battery 2 Wires 2 Light Bulb 1 DC Motor
Would it be better to wire a house with series circuits, parallel circuits, or a combination of both? Why?