BTEC National Children's Play, Learning & Development Unit 1: Child Development Delayed Development Helen Taylor Unit 1, Session 2. Helen Taylor 1
Starter Activity What is meant by ‘normal development’? What is meant by the sequence of development? What is meant by developmental norms? What is meant by developmental delay? What factors can affect development? Unit 1, Session 2. Helen Taylor 2
Aims for this lesson: To understand how a range of factors influences children’s Development Learning outcomes for this lesson: To describe what is meant by normal development To describe what is meant by developmental delay To describe some developmental disorders To describe how delayed development in one or more areas can impact on a child’s overall development. Unit 1, Session 2. Helen Taylor 3
Feedback from starter activity What is meant by ‘normal development’? What is meant by the sequence of development? What is meant by developmental norms? Unit 1, Session 2. Helen Taylor 4
‘ Normal Development’ NHS Choices. Birth to Five Developmental Timeline. Unit 1, Session 2. Helen Taylor 5
Feedback from starter activity What is meant by developmental delay? Unit 1, Session 2. Helen Taylor 6
Developmental delay Developmental Delay is when a child does not reach their developmental milestones at the expected times. It is an ongoing minor or major delay in the process of development. Delay can occur in one or many areas, for example, Social, Physical (gross or fine motor), Intellectual (Cognitive), Language/Communication and so on. Unit 1, Session 2. Helen Taylor 7
Feedback from starter activity What factors can affect development? Unit 1, Session 2. Helen Taylor 8
Factors affecting development Biological factors Pre-natal factors Natal factors Post natal factors Developmental delays Social factors Cultural factors Poverty Education Emotional factors Unit 1, Session 2. Helen Taylor 9
How can delayed development in one area impact on a child’s overall development? Unit 1, Session 2. Helen Taylor 10
Group work – Discuss the scenarios below: A three year old child is delayed in their physical development and cannot yet walk independently. How might this impact on their social, intellectual, communication and emotional development? A three year old child is delayed in their social development. They are very shy and cling to the adult in the setting. How might this impact on their physical, intellectual, communication and emotional development? A three year old child is delayed in their intellectual development and prefers to play with ‘baby’ toys is not interested in pretend play, simple jigsaw, books or mark making. How might this impact on their physical, social, communication and emotional development? A three year old child is delayed in their communication development. They are only have a few recognisable words and are reluctant to communicate with others. How might this impact on their physical, intellectual, communication and emotional development? Unit 1, Session 2. Helen Taylor 11
What are developmental disorders? Unit 1, Session 2. Helen Taylor 12
What are developmental disorders? Developmental disorders are conditions or delays in development which occur whilst the child is developing, from birth and throughout childhood. Developmental disorders affect an individual’s ability to grow and reach specific milestones. Developmental disorders include Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia, ADHD/ADD, Autistic Spectrum disorder, Conductive hearing loss and many more. Unit 1, Session 2. Helen Taylor 13
Examples of developmental disorders Autistic Spectrum Disorder (Autism and Asperger’s syndrome) – ASD is a lifelong developmental disability that affects a person’s ability to form relationships and communicate effectively; the affects can vary enormously. There appears to be a genetic disposition, with more boys being affected than girls. Diagnosis is usually not until the age of two, and often much later. Dyslexia - Dyslexia is learning difficulty. It is mainly a difficulty with written language, particularly with reading and spelling. It is though to be caused by differences in how the brain processes written and/or spoken language. Dyspraxia - Dyspraxia is a developmental disorder affecting the initiation, organization and performance of action. It is the partial loss of the ability to coordinate and perform certain purposeful movements and gestures, in the absence of other motor or sensory impairments. It is a life-long condition that is more common in males than in females. Unit 1, Session 2. Helen Taylor 14
Small group research: Developmental and other childhood disorders. Research one or more disorders. What is the disorder? What areas of development might delays occur in for each disorder and why? Give specific examples of the impact that the disorder could have on other areas of development. Be prepared to feedback from your research to the rest of the class. This can be in a power point presentation or poster/other form of presentation. Unit 1, Session 2. Helen Taylor 15
Choose a condition to research from the list below: Cerebral palsy Autistic Spectrum Disorder/Asperger’s syndrome Visual Impairment Hearing Impairment Speech disorders and delays ADHD/ADD Extension Tasks: Research a second or third disorder. Prepare questions to ask other groups about the disorder they have researched. Unit 1, Session 2. Helen Taylor 16
Extension Tasks: Carry out further research on other developmental disorders and their impact on a child’s overall development. Read up about pre-natal factors that might affect a child’s development. Read up about biological factors that might affect a child’s development. Unit 1, Session 2. Helen Taylor 17
Reflect on learning outcomes Can you describe what is meant by normal development? Can you describe what is meant by developmental delay? Can you describe some developmental disorders? Can you describe how delayed development in one or more areas can impact on a child’s overall development? Unit 1, Session 2. Helen Taylor 18