Submitting Files for the Web Employee Led Training Christina Ferrante Webmaster/Systems Analyst Presented By.


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Presentation transcript:

Submitting Files for the Web Employee Led Training Christina Ferrante Webmaster/Systems Analyst Presented By

T RAINING D ELIVERABLES PowerPoint Presentation User-Guide Documentation Instructional Modules

G OALS Establish importance of communication Develop understanding of terms Explain procedural process Why are we here?


T ARGET A UDIENCE Business Residents Visitors

Speak to People… Not at Them

B E S PECIFIC Specific information = no fluff No jargon or acronyms Keep it simple! Think in terms of “the user”

D ETAILS ARE I MPORTANT How well do you work with minimal information?

Definition of Terms

P = Portable Definition Used for representing two-dimensional documents in a manner independent of the application software, hardware, and operating system W HAT ’ S A “PDF”? D = Document F = Format Word, Excel, PowerPoint, image files

U = Uniform Definition Internet address of a particular site or document W HAT ’ S A “URL” A DDRESS ? R = ResourceL = Locator Web pages, pdf files, RSS feeds, audio and video files

URL B REAKDOWN Web Page Example protocol domain path page name File Example protocol domain path file name

When saving files… Use a name which the greatest number of people would most easily recognize F ILE N AMING C ONVENTIONS No more than four (4) words Do not abbreviate Example = City Council / Redevelopment Agency Agenda.pdf Council_Agenda.pdf

The Process

O BJECTIVES 1. Prepare content for posting 2. Review websites 3. Select website(s) for posting 4. Fill out request form 5. Attach request form & files 6. Submit to Webmaster

C ONTENT Know your audience Descriptive title Write about the subject Use short sentences Include implicit text for links Check spelling & grammar Don’t use ALL CAPS!

I N -T EXT C ONTENT VS. F ILE Will information be updated regularly? More efficient as hardcopy? Examples City Council Agenda & Minutes Spanish translation services Construction Projects Earthquake Emergency Check-List (Fire Department) Street Improvement Updates

A TTACHMENT F ILE T YPES Word =.doc Excel =.xl PowerPoint =.ppt.pps Images =.jpg.gif.png Audio =.mp3.wav Video Flash =.swf Convert to.pdf

I MPORTANCE OF F ILE -S AVING P ROCEDURES Eliminate multiple versions of same file Excess server space Search engine cache Confusing!

S AVING F ILES All files should be “web ready” Proof-read & spell check Naming Conventions Same naming convention for an existing file on the web EX: business license.pdf= BusinessLicense.pdf Most recent version Format (fonts, size, color) Use a “CAPITAL” for the first letter to separate words Illegal Characters # $ % & * ( ) + =. ?, / \ { } [ ] No spaces!

C ONVERT F ILE TO PDF Select the “Acrobat” tab Choose the first option “Create PDF”

S AVE A S PDF Dialog Box Location on server Naming convention

Our City Websites







Time to Make a Request

W EBSITE R EQUEST F ORM Staff Information Website(s) Content Additional Needs

S TAFF I NFORMATION Why is it important? What information is needed? Contact reference = quick & efficient Prevent double submission of same content Record of changes Name of staff submitting information Department Extension #

C ONTENT A REA Title of posting Content (text) Attachments Date to add/remove content If no removal date – “Until further notice” Descriptive No formatting needed (bold, italic, etc) Clear, Concise, Brief Include dates, times, locations, & contact information (if applicable) Web-ready Saved properly - Time = a.m. or p.m.

A TTACH …A TTACHMENTS ? City of Salinas Intranet, Library, Weed & Seed, Police Department files to Webmaster P Drive > Webmaster > City Website > ? Most recent versions

A TTACHMENTS - C ITY W EBSITE Path:  Webmaster  City Website  services  P Drive

P > W EBMASTER > C ITY W EBSITE >S ERVICES Folders listed for all City Departments/Divisions


A DDITIONAL N EEDS Remove existing document(s) Broken links Remove existing content Job Postings Press Releases Special Events Job & Event Flyers Construction Bids Webpage URL address has changed Website maintenance or removal Responsibility?

Submission Examples

S UBMISSION #1 What crucial information is missing? The Advance Planning Division is responsible for the implementation of the City Council's long range land use and development Website(s) for posting URL address of pages to post New information? Update to existing content? Sent via

S UBMISSION #2 What could make this submission more effective? The following attachments are flyers announcing the City sponsored Community Resource Fair to be held on Saturday December 8th, 2007 from 11:00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. at Closter Park located on Beech St. and Dewey St; across from St. Mary of the Nativity Church on 424 Towt Street. Please post these to the inter and intranet. ResourceFairPageMakerFinalFlyerEnglish.pdf - ResourceFairPageMakerFinalFlyerSpanish.pdf Title of Event(s) Content area = web-ready Updating new or old information? Clarity in website(s) for posting File names = shorten Sent via

S UBMISSION #2 - R EVISED Content: The City of Salinas will be sponsoring the Community Resource fair on Saturday, December 8th, 2007 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Closter Park. Location: Beech St. and Dewey St; across from St. Mary of the Nativity Church, 424 Towt Street. Flyer: English | Español Title : Community Resource Fair Clear description…What’s going on? Activities? Contact information Clarity in which website(s) to post Sent via What’s missing?

S AMPLE P OSTING Example Salinas Source Now Using New Aerial Photos March 16, 2009 Salinas Source has been upgraded to include new aerial photographs. These photos were taken in late In order to take full advantage of these new photos, you may enlarge the image size by selecting the “Switch to large map” message at the lower left edge of the map area.


S TEPS 1. Prepare content for posting 2. Complete request form 3. Compose 4. Attach or drop files 5. Submit to Webmaster

I NFORM THE P UBLIC City Website Community Calendar News & Announcements Press Releases RSS Feeds

C ONCLUSION Importance of communication Descriptive and specific content URLs Saving files Web request form Submission

W HAT ’ S N EXT ? User-Guide Documentation Interactive Instructional Module
