Draganflyer X6 is an advanced helicopter that can be operated remotely without any pilot. It is designed mainly to carry wireless video cameras and still cameras. The Draganflyer X6 helicopter is based on a unique 6-rotor design that has been under development since early 2006.
Industrial Use. Government Applications. Educational Applications.
1)Six Rotor Co-Axial Configuration 2)GPS Facility 3)Carbon Fiber Folding Frame 5)Advanced Power System 6)High Damage Tolerance 8)Engineered for Safety 9)Electronic Flight Stability 11)Wireless Video System 12)Anti-Vibration Camera Mount 13)HD Digital Video Camera 14)Low Light Camera 15)Thermal Infrared Camera
Robot with facial expressions
NEXI is a robot displays facial emotions developed by MIT (Massachusett Institute of Technology) Lab's Personal Robots Group in collaboration with Prof. Rod Grupen at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst and two MIT robotic spin- off companies. NEXI's face has been designed to use gaze, eyebrows, eyelids and an articulate mandible which helps in expressing a wide range of different emotions.
NEXI has a colour CCD in each eye as well as an indoor active 3-D infrared camera in its head and four microphones to support sound localization. It has laser rangefinder which supports real-time tracking of objects, people and voices as well as indoor navigation and has hands that can be used to manipulate objects.
The chassis of NEXI is also advanced which it is based on the uBot5 mobile manipulator developed by the Laboratory for Perceptual Robotics UMASS (University of Massachusett) Amherst. The mobile base can balance dynamically on two wheels. The arms can pick up ten pounds; the plastic covering of the chassis can detect human touch.
Canadian center for Electron Microscopy has developed a new powerful microscope that is world's most powerful microscope. It has been put through its paces to achieve unprecedented resolution. This microscope is so powerful that it can easily identify atoms, measure their chemical state and even probe the electrons that bind them together.
This microscope can be used to produce more efficient lighting and better solar cells, to study proteins and drug-delivery materials to target cancers. Higher density memory storage for faster electronic and telecommunication devices. It’s cost is $15 million.