0 Characterization studies of the detector modules for the CBM Silicon Tracking System J.Heuser 1, V.Kyva 2, H.Malygina 2,3, I.Panasenko 2 V.Pugatch 2,


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Presentation transcript:

0 Characterization studies of the detector modules for the CBM Silicon Tracking System J.Heuser 1, V.Kyva 2, H.Malygina 2,3, I.Panasenko 2 V.Pugatch 2, I.Sorokin 2,3, A.Lymanetc 2,4 1 GSI, Darmstadt, Germany 2 Institute for Nuclear Research NASU, Kyiv 2 FIAS, Frankfurt, Germany 4 Tubingen University, Germany LAL-INR NASU workshop on HEP instrumentation

1 CBM Experiment Goal: to explore the phase diagram of QCD at high baryonic densities and moderate temperatures, phase transition and critical point. Au/Pb/p up to 45 GeV/nucleon On the fixed target Au/ 12 C The core detector – Silicon Tracking System: ‣ charge particle rates up to 10 MHz per cm 2 at Au+Au; ‣ reconstruction of 1000 particles/event; ‣ spatial resolution ∆p/p = 1% (р = 1 GeV/с); ‣ radiation hardness up to per cm 2 in 1 MeV neutron equivalent fluence. Require fast and radiation hard tracking devices + self-triggered read- out electronics and fas DAQ for online event selection Fixed target experiment

LAL-INR NASU workshop on HEP instrumentation 8 silicon stations inside a superconducting dipole magnet ~ 2.1 millions channels Low mass carbon fiber support Up to 1 m Ultra-thin Al-Polyimide readout cables Double-sided microstrip sensors

Layout of Silicon Tracking Device LAL-INR NASU workshop on HEP instrumentation

1-strip clusters LAL-INR NASU workshop on HEP instrumentation 2-strip clusters Projectile particle

Silicon Microstrip Sensors for СВМ LAL-INR NASU workshop on HEP instrumentation Size cm 2 StripsPitch, umStrip sizeStereo angleType CBM015.5 x Double-sided CBM02-B12.2 x Double-sided CBM02-B21.5 х Double-sided CBM03’6.2 x Single-sided

Test of prototype modules in a proton beam LAL-INR NASU workshop on HEP instrumentation Size cm 2 StripsPitch, umStrip sizeStereo angleType CBM02-B21.5 х Double-sided Silicon microstrip sensor, mounted on the test board for characterization – view of the test board (left), connected to 4 nXYTER chips (right).

Experimental Setup LAL-INR NASU workshop on HEP instrumentation -Synchrotron at COSY, Forschungszentrum Julich, Germany. -3 detector modules with silicon microstrip sensors. -Read-out with self-triggering n-XYTER chips. -proton 2.4 GeV/c. STS1 STS2 STS0 р, 2.4 GeV

Total Cluster Amplitude units LAL-INR NASU workshop on HEP instrumentation Clusters

Investigation of the interstrip gap LAL-INR NASU workshop on HEP instrumentation

Results LAL-INR NASU workshop on HEP instrumentation S/N Ratio = MPV of the cluster amplitude rms of the Noise 1-strip clusters 2-strip clusters 80/20- 90/10 70/30- 80/20 60/40- 70/30 50/50- 60/40 MPV p-side133,2134,8125,8124,9124,8 n-side125,1122,0119,1 P-side: S/N ≈ 19 ≈ 7 % difference

Investigation of the interstrip gap LAL-INR NASU workshop on HEP instrumentation N side: Lower amplitude of the signal in comparison with p-side; Number of events is less than from p-side. Not fully depleted sensor?

η-function The charge sharing among to adjacent readout strips is described by the η-function LAL-INR NASU workshop on HEP instrumentation

IV, CV-curves for silicon sensors LAL-INR NASU workshop on HEP instrumentation Reverse bias (V) Leakage current (uA) IV,CV characteristics: determine the full depletion voltage cbm03

Tests with radioactive sources: Ra LAL-INR NASU workshop on HEP instrumentation 4 α-lines of Ra-226 Coincident spectra of adjacent strips, p side Ra-226 from p side, p-strips readout, HV 0-80 V Cbm02-b2 sensor

Tests with radioactive sources: Ra LAL-INR NASU workshop on HEP instrumentation Single strip spectrum, p side ADC counts

MIP simulations with Sr-90 source LAL-INR NASU workshop on HEP instrumentation Sr-90 – β-source (selecting its MIP part). MIP – trigger (high energy tail in PM-2) Measuring PM – Si-strip coincidences. PM-1 PM-2 Sr - 90 РС – interface Si-det. Measure Landau MIP peak (for p- as well as n-strips) as a function of depletion voltage: Determine full depletion voltage Test Setup at KINR ADC counts 80 V detector bias

Summary LAL-INR NASU workshop on HEP instrumentation Analysis of the part of test beam data has been performed. ● Sensor CBM02-B2 demonstrated the expected behavior: Landau like signal, good separation between the signal and the noise. ● Signal to Noise ratio has been calculated for the whole sensor pitch. ● On the strips S/N is 19 that ≈10% different from value between strips. ● Distribution for eta function has been obtained. It allows to reconstruct the ● charge sharing function for determination a particle position in the ● interstrip gap. ● Outlook ● Perform more detailed analysis ● Plot eta function against the position ● Calculate the spatial resolution ● Reconstruct hits, tracks ● Investigate the influence of magnetic field ●...