Basic Endodontic Instruments
Instrument s for access cavity preparation Hand pieces
Instrument s for access cavity preparation Burs
Instrument s for access cavity preparation
Instrument s for access cavity preparation
Instrument s for access cavity preparation Name Burs Function several types of burs will be used to accomplish good access preparation Fissure burs are used in the initial stage of access preparation to establish the correct outline form ,Round burs are used to lift the roof of the pulp chamber and eliminate overhanging dentine ,Tapered Non end-cutting bur is used to 'lift lid' of pulp chamber and refine cavity.
Instrument s for access cavity preparation Front surface mirror
Instrument s for access cavity preparation Name Front surface mirror Function is best suited for visibility deep within the pulp chamber.
Instrument s for access cavity preparation root canal explorer
Instrument s for access cavity preparation Name probe/root canal explorer Function Used to probe and detect canal openings within the pulp chamber
Extirpation Instrument endodontic spoon excavator
Instrument s for access cavity preparation Name Endo excavator Function “Larger than conventional excavator" its shape allows curettage of the pulp chamber when conventional one will not reach the floor of the chamber, and used as surgical aid to excavate periapical lesion.
Extirpation Instrument Barbed broach
Extirpation Instrument Barbed broach
Extirpation Instrument Barbed broach
Extirpation Instrument Name Barbed broaches Functions • Used to remove the intact pulp • ‘Barbs’ on the broach snag the pulp to facilitate removal .Retrieve a paper point or cotton pellet trapped in the canal . Loosen debris in necrotic canal.
Extirpation Instrument The braded broach comes in different sizes, and the selection of suitable size is very important, it should fit loosely inside the canal, when braded broach size is larger than the canal size, the hooks of B.B engaged in the dentinal wall of the canal and stick there "Jammed broach" and with drawing it becomes difficult and might fracture inside the canal, if the dentist faced by Jammed broach, the broach should be removed vertically without twisting. The B.B must only be used in the straight part of the canal, and insertion of the broach (not exceed 2\3) of the canal length of the ideal way to use it is
ISO standardization
ISO standardization Before a standardized configuration was adopted, endodontic instrument varied greatly from one manufacturer to another. The configuration adopted is that set by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), All ISO hand instruments, along with paper points, silver points and standardized gutta-percha points, conform to this system. ISO standardized files have a cutting length of 16 mm, have a specified diameter at the tip (termed D1) and increase in diameter by 0.02 mm for each millimeter along the file, so that at the end of the cutting part (16 mm along the file) the diameter (termed D2) is 0.32 mm greater than at D1. This is called an .02 taper. Files may vary in length, any extra length is provided by a ‘blank’ portion. The nominal size of the instrument is based on the diameter of its tip (the diameter at D1) expressed in hundredths of a millimeter. Thus an ISO size 50 file will have a tip diameter of 0.50 mm.
ISO standardization also uses a color for each size, as shown below: Nominal Size Pink 06 Grey 08 Purple 10 White 15 45 90 Yellow 20 50 100 Red 25 55 110 Blue 30 60 120 Green 35 70 130 Black 40 80 140 The amount of increase in diameter from one inst. to the next is 0.05 mm in inst. from size 10 – 60, and 0.1 mm in inst. from size 60 – 140.
Instruments for root canal preparation K- reamer
Instruments for root canal preparation K- reamer
Instruments for root canal preparation K-reamer instruments can be manufactured by twisting a square or triangular blank by machine . reamer used in shaping the canal Action o'clock wise quarter –turn twist . .
Instruments for root canal preparation K- file
Instruments for root canal preparation K- file instruments can be manufactured by twisting a square or triangular blank by machine the blank is twisted into a tighter series of spiral than reamer also K- file are more flexible than reamer . K -Files with a triangular cross-section tend to have superior cutting characteristics and are more flexible, and hence less likely to transport the canal during preparation. . Action clock wise half –turn twist . .
Instruments for root canal preparation Hedstrom file
Instruments for root canal preparation Hedstom file
Instruments for root canal preparation Hedstrom file are machined from a tapered cylindrical block. In cross-section they have the appearance of a series of intersecting cones. Hedstroem files are highly efficient at removing dentin on the outstroke when used in a filing motion, but have poor fracture resistance in rotation Action withdrawal stroke . .
NiTi (Nickel titanium) rotary instruments
NiTi (Nickel titanium) rotary instruments These files are used to flare the coronal aspect of the root canal. Although they are manufactured from nickel-titanium the files are relatively inflexible, as the cross-sectional diameter is larger than that of a standard file (ISO). The use of these instruments is therefore best restricted to the relatively straight parts of the root canal to avoid strip perforation. It is recommended that they are used in a hand piece driven by an electric motor at 150-300 rpm
Gates-Glidden drills
Gates-Glidden drills
Gates-Glidden drills Small flame-shaped cutting instrument used in the conventional hand piece Different sizes – coded by rings or colored bands on shank Are slightly flexible and will follow the canal shape but can perforate the canal if used too deeply functions : Preparing the coronal two thirds of molars canals. Removing gutta-percha from the canal during post space preparation or during retreatment. Widen the canal when an instrument has fractured within it.
Peeso Reamer نلننهحتن
Peeso reamers drills Small flame-shaped cutting instrument used in the conventional hand piece Different sizes – coded by rings or colored bands on shank, Peeso reamers are not flexible or adaptable, if not used with care can perforate canal functions : Removing gutta-percha from the canal during post space preparation or during retreatment.
Instruments for root canal preparation Disposable irrigating syringe and disposable needle
Instruments for root canal preparation Name Disposable irrigating syringe and disposable needle Function, features and precaution • Used with an irrigant to clean and disinfect the canal during endodontic treatment • A blunt needle with side exiting delivery will reduce the risk of the needle binding within the canal
Instruments for root canal preparation Absorbent paper points
Instruments for root canal preparation Name Absorbent paper points Functions • To absorb any moisture in the canal (i.e. blood, pus and saliva) • To carry medicaments into the canal
Instruments for root canal Filling Gutta - percha
Instruments for root canal Filling Name Gutta percha points Function and features • Non-soluble, non-irritant points that are condensed into the pulp chamber during obturation • Standardized type: follows same ISO classification as endodontic files • Non-standardized: have a greater taper than the standard ISO type
Instruments for root canal Filling Hand spreader
Instruments for root canal Filling Finger spreader
Instruments for root canal Filling spreader
Instruments for root canal Filling Name Finger spreader Function, features and precaution • Finger instrument with a smooth, pointed, tapered working end • Used to condense gutta percha laterally into the canal during obturation
Instruments for root canal Filling Hand Plugger
Instruments for root canal Filling Finger Plugger
Instruments for root canal Filling Plugger
Instruments for root canal Filling Name Endodontic plugger Function Working end is flat to facilitate plugging or condensing the gutta percha vertically after the excess has been removed by melting off with a heated instrument
Instruments for root canal Filling Lentulo spiral Drill
Instruments for root canal Filling Name Lentulo spiral filler/rotary paste filler Function and features • Small flexible instrument used to place materials into the canal • Fits into the conventional hand piece • Use with caution as it can be easily broken
the endodontic ruler
the endodontic ruler
the endodontic ruler Function • Special endodontic rulers are available for measuring the length of finger instruments
Endodontic block or Transfer sponge
Endodontic block or Transfer sponge Functions • An endodontic block is a sturdy block used to organize and hold endodontic finger and rotary instruments during procedures; • Reduces the possibility of percutaneous injuries when handling endodontic finger and rotary instruments
Endo locking tweezers
Endo locking tweezers Endo – locking pliers or (endo locking tweezers): it has lock "latch" that permits materials to be held without continuous finger pressure, it has a groove at the tip, the grooved tip facilitate holding absorbent points and gutta – percha cones.
Electronic Apex Locators
Electronic Apex Locators Name Apex locator Functions • An electronic instrument used to determine the distance to the apical foramen • The screen allows the operator to visualize the file movement during instrumentation
Electric pulp tester
Electric pulp tester Name Electric pulp tester Function and directions for use • Used to test the vitality of a tooth using electric stimulus • Electric stimulus is increased in small increments until the patient can feel the stimulus • Toothpaste or prophy paste is used to conduct the current from the pulp tester to the tooth
operating microscope
Loupes & Operating microscope Illumination and magnification are vital for the location of root canals. The endodontist would use a surgical microscope while a general dental practitioner might have loupes and a headlight that give excellent magnification and illumination .