World Semester 2 Baseball
The first successful slave revolt took place here Haiti
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This crop linked GB, India & China Opium
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European colonialism created most of the current boundaries on this continent Africa
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The May 4 th Movement arose from dissatisfaction over this treaty Versailles
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The American Revolution & this revolution created a constitution that granted equality to all citizens Haitian
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In the 19 th century, the Ottoman Empire & this empire were multinational states Austria Hungary
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The Mughal Empire & this empire were established by skilled warriors on horseback who came originally from Central Asia Ottoman Empire
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This event was the key to European predominance in the world economy during the 19 th century & early 20 th century Industrial Revolution
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Rebellious ethnic minorities in the Russian, Ottoman & Austro-Hungarian empires during the late 19 th century were motivated by this Nationalism
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The Soviet strategy for economic development in the 1950s resembled the strategy of this country China
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This African country had a large population of Euro ancestry in the 1990s South Africa
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This country was partitioned into E & W Pakistan after British decolonization after World War II India
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This revolutionary argued that the workers’ revolution would have to be led by professional revolutionaries Vladimir Lenin
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The US Bill of Rights & this French document both allowed for private property Declaration on the Rts of Man & Citizen
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Nelson Mandela, Robert Mugabe, Jomo Kenyatta, & Kwame Nkrumrah all shared this experience They were all political prisoners
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This country experienced the greatest number of war deaths during World War II The Soviet Union
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Industrialized countries all over the world experienced this demographic trend in the late 20 th century Decline in family size
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Emphasis on the “beauty” of middle class women is seen in trends such as face paint, corsets & this Bound feet
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The elite in this country sponsored reform in the 19 th century enabling it to resist Euro imperialism Japan
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The exemption of foreigners from the laws of the country in which they live Extraterritoriality
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The Congress Party in India & this group in the Ottoman Empire believed in the need for reform in order to resist Euros Young Turks
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Land redistribution was a part of revolutions in China & this country Mexico
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Most African colonies gained independence after this war World War II
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The emperor from this country was a figurehead, he did not rule Japan
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Between , the world’s largest cities were in this region East Asia
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People from this continent established trading ports in India & China during the period Europe (Western)
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The introduction of this cash crop after 1880 led to greater dependence on foreign market in Africa & Latin America Coffee
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Russian, French & British expansion came at the expense of this empire in the late 19 th century Ottoman
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Rapid, state sponsored industrialization took place in Japan & this country by 1914 Russia
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Asian & African rulers preferred to buy these from Western Europeans by the end ot the 19 th century Weapons
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Czechslovakia’s 1968 challenge to Soviet domination was called this Prague Spring
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Both Gandhi & this revolutionary leader appealed to the peasants for support Mao Zedong
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Arranged marriages were banned & women were part of the communist women’s movement in this country during the 1940s & 1950s China
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The United States & this country ended coerced labor in the 1860s Russia
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This was one of the main goals of Mexico’s revolution Land reform
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The result of the revolutions here was that there were few changes in social structure Latin America
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Experience with racial discrimination in South Africa shaped the philosophies of this Indian leader Gandhi
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Japan sought Western expertise & equipment after this 1868 event Meiji Restoration
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In the beginning, the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain was based this manufactured product Textiles
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In the Seven Years’ War, France lost territory in India & this country gained territory in North America Great Britain
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British industrialization in the 19 th century was privately funded, while this country industrialized with the help of the govt Japan
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The purpose of this was to promote European trade & economic development after World War II European Community
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Internal ethnic conflicts, which are the result of arbitrary colonial boundaries has hindered political stability on this continent Africa
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Japan & the Ottoman Empire looked to this country for military training, weapons & tactics Germany
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Village based industrialization was a goal of the Great Leap Forward proposed by this Chinese leader Mao Zedong