Different Types of Customers
Customers are people Real customer service is about dealing with real people - who may be awkward, wound up and angry - but still people. The thought to keep in your mind at all times is: Customers are important, but more importantly, they are people.
The three types of customer The Lordly Ones The Logical Ones The Friendly Ones
The Lordly Ones If I am the customer, then I come first. I am not afraid to complain and I make sure that everyone hears me. I hate having to wait for service. If there are problems, I want them sorted out without any delay.
The Logical Ones I check prices and quality carefully and shop where the best is that day I get annoyed when staff do not know what they are doing I never buy on impulse I expect staff to understand their products
The Friendly Ones I hate to complain. It is very upsetting and embarrassing. I seem to get to know the names of almost everyone. I like places that are comfortable and welcoming. I like it when staff know my name.
Handling Customer Complaints
The Lordly Ones Smile and nod. Listen carefully. Demonstrate that you take what they are saying to be important and that they are important. Do not talk about rules and procedures. Give them the impression that you will take care of things as far as you can go within your authority and that you will take responsibility for their case higher up the line if necessary. Use shorter sentences and words like "I understand!" "Yes! I'll get right onto it!" "Leave it with me!" Do not be subservient but not over-personal either. Give the impression of efficiency and speed - and of giving personal service to them as an individual.
The Logical Ones Listen intently and show concentration on your face with a slight frown. Demonstrate that you are taking it all in. Take notes. Ask questions that are relevant in a calm but thoughtful manner. Again make notes. Give them the impression that you are working things through thoroughly and ensuring that the system will produce the correct result for them. Do not speak quickly. It's OK to appear to pause for thought. Create a plan that you can explain to them for what will be done. Gain their logical acceptance of this plan.
The Friendly Ones Listen compassionately. Use a lot of body language. Demonstrate that you are in sympathy with their feelings. Get them talking by asking empathetic questions and respond to their emotions. Make them feel that you appreciate their feelings. Act as if you have become a friend. Use words sentences as, "Oh dear! I can see how you feel." "We really must do something to help you here." "It's been really nice talking to you." "Please come back and talk to me if you have any other problems." Get them involved in the problem solving by inviting them to help you.