TOBAM’s SRI CAPABILITIES The Sustainable Way 2014 For professional investors only
Agenda Introduction to TOBAM The Anti-Benchmark® approach Illustration: Anti-Benchmark® EM Equity Appendix 2
SRI and ESG dimensions TOBAM integrates SRI and ESG dimensions at two levels: Corporate Responsibility engagement at the company level Socially Responsible Investing at the investment level We are committed to aligning our company operations and goals with the 10 universally accepted principles set forth in the UN Global Compact 3
Socially Responsible Investing Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) filter Exclusion list of the Ministry of Finance of Norway and Sweden’s AP Fonden from their investment universes (approx. 70 names in Global universe) Exclusion lists aligned with the UN PRI and Global Compact Proxy Voting and Engagement External voting service (International Shareholder Services Inc.) TOBAM votes for all shares held in the portfolios 4
Best in Class Mandate with a large French institutional investor bvbvbvb fdfffff fffff fffffff 5
TOBAM’s Corporate Responsability Implementation Sponsorship since 2011 of Amnesty International: donation of 7% of profits generated from investing in AB EM 6 Compensation of >125% of our carbon footprint by subsidizing the Carbon Action Association, part of Good Planet Foundation
Engagement initiatives UN PRI and Global Compact signatory since 2010 Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) and Water Disclosure Project signatory since 2011 UK Stewardship Code adoption in 2012 Member of International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN) since 2014 Supports the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Coalition and the Sustainable Stock Exchange project since
Signataire des UN-PRI depuis 2010 et Adhésion aux principes Global Compact TOBAM’s Sustainable Way 8 Source: Reporting UN-PRI 2013
Depuis 2007 : Application du filtre Norges Bank aux stratégies TOBAM Exercice des droits de vote: TOBAM a exercé ses droits de vote à 97% des AG en 2013 Programme de Compensation Carbone depuis 2011 Soutien d’Amnesty International depuis 2011 TOBAM’s Sustainable Way 9