The Trojan War How it Started
Paris was the son of King Priam, the ruler of Troy Paris was the son of King Priam, the ruler of Troy. When Paris was a young boy, there was a prophecy that he would cause the destruction of Troy. He was sent to Mount Ida to be raised by a shepherd.
Thetis was a beautiful water goddess.
Zeus (Jupiter) fell in love with her Zeus (Jupiter) fell in love with her. But it was prophesized that her son would be greater than his father. Zeus did not want to be father of her son. He ordered her to marry a man from Earth.
There was a grand wedding There was a grand wedding. All the gods and goddesses were invited, except Eris (Discord). She loved to make trouble. Nobody wanted trouble.
Everyone was having a wonderful time until ……………..
Eris showed up. She was not happy about being left out Eris showed up. She was not happy about being left out. While the gods feasted at the table, she threw her golden apple from a cloud.
The apple caused a lot of trouble! On it was written “for the fairest”.
For the fairest Three goddesses claimed the apple: Aphrodite (Venus), Hera, (Juno), and Athena (Minerva).
Zeus (Jupiter) did not want to be the one to choose which goddess was "the fairest". He knew whoever he picked, the other two would be mad. A shepherd was asked to make the choice.
Hermes (Mercury) took the apple to the shepherd Hermes (Mercury) took the apple to the shepherd. Remember Paris was the son of King Priam who was sent to Mount Ida to be raised by a shepherd. As if by fate, the shepherd told to chose was Paris.
Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite each offered Paris something if he would give her the golden apple.
she would give him great riches and power. If Paris chose Hera, she would give him great riches and power.
If Paris chose Athena (Minerva), she would make him a great warrior in battle.
If Paris chooses Aphrodite (Venus), she would give him the most beautiful woman in the world.
Paris chooses Aphrodite and to have the most beautiful woman in the world.
Helen was the beautiful daughter of the King of Sparta Helen was the beautiful daughter of the King of Sparta. All the heroes, including Odysseus, Menelaus, and Agamemnon wanted her to be their wife.
Odysseus, who was very wise, suggested a plan Odysseus, who was very wise, suggested a plan. Helen would decide who she wanted to marry and the others would accept her choice. They would also help the one she chose keep her.
Helen chose Menelaus to be her husband Helen chose Menelaus to be her husband. When her father died, Menelaus became King of Sparta.
Paris returned home to Troy and took a place with his brother Hector beside his father King Priam. Then, Paris went to Sparta to talk with King Menelaus about peace between Sparta and Troy. While there he saw Helen. She was very beautiful, the most beautiful woman in the world. Helen was the woman he had been promised by Aphrodite.
Helen may have been kidnapped by Paris. But most think……
Aphrodite helped Paris to win Helen’s heart.
With the help of Aphrodite, Helen fell in love with Paris. Helen went with Paris willingly.
Thetis and Peleus had a son. His name was Achilles Thetis and Peleus had a son. His name was Achilles. Thetis worried about Achilles and wanted to keep him safe. To protect Achilles she dipped him in the River Styx. Wherever the water touched him, he was protected from harm.
Thetis held Achilles by his heel when she dipped him into the water.
Thetis gave Achilles to Chiron to teach.
Chiron was a centaur. He was a scholar and had many students, Most centaurs were not like Chiron.
He was a good teacher.
When Achilles got older, Thetis disguised him as a girl and hid him When Achilles got older, Thetis disguised him as a girl and hid him. She did not want him to go to war.
King Agamemnon was the high king of all of Greece King Agamemnon was the high king of all of Greece. Menelaus was his brother. Menelaus was furious that Helen was gone. He went to his brother to help him. Agamemnon and Menelaus went to get Odysseus to help them go get Helen back. But Odysseus had married. He did not want to leave his wife Penelope or his son Telemechus.
Odysseus pretended to be crazy by plowing with an ox and horse together. Also, he sowed salt into the ground. Agamemnon and Menelaus put his son in the path of the plow. Odysseus stopped and showed he was not really crazy. He joined them in the war against Troy.
Odysseus went to get Achilles to join them Odysseus went to get Achilles to join them. Odysseus was the wisest of the Greeks. He pretended to be a trader. He took many beautiful things that girls would like. He also took a sword and armor.
Achilles, disguised as a girl, was very interested in the sword and armor. Odysseus knew Achilles would be. It was a trick.
Achilles put on the armor, while the girls looked at other things.
Odysseus caught Achilles Odysseus caught Achilles. When Odysseus told Achilles about the war he agreed to go and fight.
"the face that launched a thousand ships" The Greek army was assembled and they boarded a thousand ships. Fifty men were on each ship. The Greek army went to get Helen back.
A thousand ships sailed and a thousand ships landed on the shores of Troy.
50,000 Greeks attacked troy.
The city is very well fortified The city is very well fortified. The Trojan War continued for nine years with neither side winning.