Copy the underlined word, give a possible definition for it, and explain what in the sentence helped you come up with that definition. Today’s task (right side) * 1. The amoral student had no problem cheating. * 2. Using her telephoto lens, the photographer got a close-up of a lion. * 3. In Biology, we studied a creature with an exoskeleton that was hard to crush. 5 minutes
* Label the top of the notes with today’s topic (Greek Prefixes) and date (8/20) * Write the EQ on the line under the topic. * Draw a line to separate notes into a small left section and a large right section. Today’s notes (left side, Cornell style) * Today’s EQ: How can knowing Greek prefixes help me to figure out definitions?
* A prefix is added to the beginning of a word. * Many prefixes come from Greek or Latin. * Knowing the meaning of a prefix can help students define words. Today’s notes (left side, Cornell style)
* Some common Greek prefixes: Today’s notes (left side, Cornell style) * a- (not)- atypical: not usual * exo- (outside, external)- exodus: a mass departure of people * syn- (with, same)- synonym: a word with almost the exact meaning as another * tele- (distance)- telescope: an instrument designed to make objects appear closer
* Using the definitions of the prefixes, look back at the definitions you wrote in the task. * Highlight any you feel are correct. * Change any you feel are incorrect. Today’s Identify/Correct (right side) 3 minutes
* On the left, write a question for each new piece of information or section. * Match the question with where the information starts on the right side. * Write a summary: answer the EQ; explain something(s) that will stick in your memory; ask a question about the information. Finish the notes (left side) 3 minutes