First Class Curriculum –Spiral curriculum - revisiting topics –Active learning –Text books –Maths - tens, units - not how you remember them –Jolly Phonics - watch for digraphs when reading with your child –Spanish
First Class Homework –Reading –Spellings - SACAWAC –Tables –The Friday Test –Fun challenges
First Class Other Homework –Encourage your child to be independent –Tying laces –Helping to clean up, set the table, etc. –Reading other books - visit the library –Talk with your child about what we are doing at school; revisiting it helps them process it
First Class P.E. –Mondays and Thursdays –Suitable trainers/ running shoes –Velcro straps? –Well-fitting trousers - preferably leggings or tracksuit bottoms
First Class Website –Tool for communication –Useful links and games –Keep up with what your child is learning –Twitter