Co-Teaching at Wolf Meadow
Co-Teaching Pairs
Co-Teaching Defined Co-Teaching is a service delivery option Co-Teachers share instructional responsibility and accountability for a single group of students for who they both have ownership. Co-Teaching occurs primarily in a shared classroom or workspace. Co-teachers’ specific level of participation may very based on their skills and the instructional needs of the student group.
Why the push for co-teaching in Cabarrus County? In Cabarrus County Schools: 3.5 have a Learning Disability 2 are Other Health Impaired 1.7 are Speech Impaired.5 have Emotional Disabilities.4 accounts for HI, VI, OI.5 are Developmentally Delayed.7 have Autism.7 have Intellectual Disabilities
General Ed Vs. Special Ed
Related Terms…but NOT IT! Collaboration Inclusion Team teaching
Why the Buzz? Federal law states high expectations for all students. EC students need access to the same curriculum. Research on improving outcomes for students with disabilities and reducing achievement gap
Parallel Teaching ● At least 30% of the time ● Teachers teach the same content simultaneously ● Only work with part of the class ● Groups do not rotate
When To Use Parallel ● Vocabulary ● Main Idea ● Summarizing ● Discussion Questions ● Comprehension ● Comparing and Contrasting ● Content Analysis ● Varied Perspectives *Maximize Student participation *Minimize Behavior Problems
Alternative Teaching ● 30% of the time ● One teacher takes the large group ● Other teacher works with a smaller group ● Smaller group is not just EC students
When To Use Alternative ● Significant gaps in mastering concepts ● Pre- Teaching (front loading) ● Re-Teaching/ Remediation ● Enrichment ● Assessment (during Homework Check, Warm-up time, Independent practice) *Does not always have to be SPED Teacher
Station Teaching ● 35% of the time ● Teachers divide content and students ● Students are seen by both teachers ● If needed, independent work station can be made
When To Use Station ● When content is complex but not hierarchical ● When part of the planned instruction is review ● When several topics comprise instructions
Teaming ● 20% of the time or less ● Deliver instruction at the same time ● “One brain in two bodies” ● “Tag team teaching” ● Most complex
When To Use Teaming ● When two heads are better than one or experience is comparable ● During a lesson in which instructional conversation is appropriate ● In co-teaching situations in which the teachers have considerable experience and a high sense of comfort ● When a goal of instruction is to demonstrate some type of interaction to students
One Teach, One Assist ● Seldom ● One teachers holds primary responsibility ● Makes students become dependent
When To Use One Teach, One Assist ● Monitoring classroom behaviors and procedures ● Check for individual student understanding ● Use intermittently throughout the class period for short amount of times as needed
One Teach, One Observe ● 5-10% of the time ● One teacher leads, other collects data ● Used daily for a brief amount of time
When To Use One Teach, One Observe ● Data Collection o Gain insight on student learning o Recording participation in lesson
What about the student who is several grade levels below? For nearly all students with disabilities, the aim now is to base instruction on the grade level curriculum, even if the skills are assessed at a lower level. Example: If a grade level goal is for a student to listen critically and offer reasoned opinions, backed by evidence, an IEP goal should be written within this grade level expectation. The student might carry out the grade level proficiency but do so having listened to a simpler passage. IEP GOALS & INSTRUCTION CANNOT EXIST IN A VACCUUM. THEY MUST RELATED TO GRADE LEVEL STANDARDS.
Planning Time When will you plan? Follow Up Sessions
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