Co-Teaching Benefits Combines Different Teaching Strengths Allows greater attention to small group activities Helps to reach students of many levels.
Required Criteria for Successful Co-Teaching Open Communication Mutual Respect Use of Humor Flexible Equality Complementation of Strengths Collaboration
6 Approaches to Co-Teaching One Teach, One Observe Parallel Teaching One Teach, One Assist Station Teaching Alternative Teaching Team Teaching
One Teach, One Observe This Method Works Best in Teaching : Listening Activities Such as Dictation Speaking Activities Such as Listen and Repeat. Giving Basic Instructions Storytelling
One Teach, One Assist This Method Works Best in Teaching : Administering Tests Preparing Games Classroom reading activities
Parallel Teaching This Method Works Best in Teaching : Smaller groups work best for the topic content Class size makes individual interaction limited You have boldly diverse learners The topic is sensitive in nature
Station Teaching This Method Works Best in Teaching : Complicated Topics Such As Difficult Grammar Small groups are needed like board games. Limited supplies are available.
Alternative Teaching This Method Works Best in Teaching : A few students need more attention than others A few students are more advanced than other students
Team Teaching This Method Works Best in Teaching : If teachers work well together. When you have similar teaching styles.
Korea’s 7 th National English Curriculum The Main goals are: Confidence and Interest in English Conversational Ability about Basic Topics Understand Foreign Cultures Understanding their own culture from a new perspective.
Korea’s 7 th National English Curriculum Contents
Lesson Planning Determine the main goals of the lesson Develop activities to make the learning fun and motivating Gather or make a list of needed materials for the lesson Consider the different learning styles and level of the students Incorporate multimedia materials
Determine the main goals of the lesson Key Phrases Key Words Spelling Points Important Grammar Tools Important Cultural Ideas
Developing activities to make the lesson fun. Games Role Plays Songs Word finds Flashcards Book making Story telling Drawing
Gathering or Making a list of item you may need for the class. Use Existing Items in Your Classroom Find items you can barrow from other places in school or home. Request to purchase needed items from your school. Make any needed copies.
Consider the different learning styles of the students Individual Styles of Learning Auditory Visual Sensory Group Learning Pair Learning
Multimedia Items you can use Power point Video clips Audio Clips Text Book CDs White board Overhead projections Flash cards
Consider the Age and time period you are teaching. Use Current celebrities to make your points. Make sure the material is up to date! Most students don’t need to know what a “pager” is Make sure songs and other spoken materials have appropriate language in them. Older students require more independence than younger ones.
It’s Lesson Time Develop a system with the students that takes care of the daily business. Quiz the students upon entering the class Establish the lesson goals. Outline what needs to be accomplished in the class. Teach the body of the lesson Review or quiz students following the lesson to determine their level of understanding.
Taking care of business Have some verbal or physical cues to control the class that everyone knows. Develop a system of what comes first in class. (This creates order) Use a timer or a verbal cue to keep track of time. Have a discipline system in place that the students know and understand. Have a formal seating arrangement.
Tips For Using Cues Cues work best when they contain some sort of group response. Use the same cue for the same situation in every class. Cues often can contain some physical element. Wait for the students to control each other after a verbal cue. Make sure your speaking speed is slightly slower when giving a cue. Practice responses with the students.
Helpful Cues When working in groups count down from 10 to end the session. Look, look, look at me. STOP. Ring a bell to get focus in group or pair activities. Attention: Clap, clap, Clap, clap, clap, Put your hands on your head. (this is a good one if the students are very active)
Useful Discipline Tools Simply make younger students stand up and close their eyes. 2.Hold up their arms. 3. X- Man Yellow card Red card. Then writing lines. Moving physical places the classroom. Taking away class room privileges such as removing their chair, or item of distraction. Making the student do something a little embarrassing. Writing their name with their but.
Multimedia in the Classroom Tips Set up items in advanced. Have the co-teacher teach while you are changing programs. Be prepared for a failure of equipment or programs. Have a back up plan. Share responsibility for changing slides.
ear ears
face head hair
ear ears eye eyes nose mouth neck
shoulder shoulders
arm arms
elbow elbows
hand hands
leg legs
toe toes
body arm arms leg legs
elbow elbows knee knees hand hands foot feet toe toes shouldershoulders
Teaching Songs 1.Listen to the whole song first. 2.Learn the words line by line. 3.Sing each line together. 4.Sing sections together. 5.Sing the song through together.
Teaching Songs Variations: Divide the song into sections and have the students take a part to sing. Change the lyrics to fit the lesson. Learn some motions. Hide the words and have use the song for dictation Have a battle to see what team can sing the best. Ask Question about the song to make sure the students understand meaning.
Teaching Role Plays 1.Look at the picture in the text and guess what will happen. 2.Listen to the whole context without the visual component. 3.Listen to the context with the visual component. 4.Repeat the phrases. 5.Assign roles for the play. 6.Practice the roles together in groups. 7.Set ground rules for play. 8.Perform the role play use costume item is available.
Using Games in the Classroom 1.Explain the purpose and the rules. Review key language needed. 2.Demonstrate the game play. 3.Ask for a translation of how to play and the rules. Allow your co-teacher to make corrections. 4.Set a play time. 5.Distribute the remaining game materials. 6.Let the class play. 7.Both teachers monitor play and check that the teams are operating properly.
Benefits of Game Playing Creative Allows all the students to speak It is fun. It takes advantage of already established social comforts of the students. Allow students of different learning levels to interact.
My Favorite Games Hot Envelope Bingo Memory Dice Games Board Games Find your partner games