SUPPORTING SYSTEMS uApplications providing complimentary functions for one or more of the applications that hold customer accounts. –XTRAC –CSTAMP –TLA
XTRAC [B4] ~ (FISC) Cross Business, Cross Channel Tracking Routing And Control- A workflow management system that generates correspondence, facilitates new account set-up and initiates account maintenance for both the Institutional and Retail businesses.
CSTAMP [B5] ~(FISC) Correspondent Services To Achieve Maximum Performance- Generates non- monetary change confirmations, consolidated account statements, letters and checks, and archives statements and confirmations.
TLA [B6] ~ (FPI, NF, FIIS) Tax Lot Accounting - Serves as a repository of transaction data for calculating cost basis for customers' stock, mutual fund, and bond holdings. Cost basis is the original price of an asset adjusted for dividends or other corporate actions, used to determine capital gains.
TRANSFER AGENT APPLICATIONS uApplications with responsibility of the registration of shareowners’ names on the company records and the proper re-registration of new owners when a transfer of asset occurs. –FPRS –DART –ATAAC
FPRS [D3] ~ (FIRSCo,FITSCo) Fidelity Participant Record keeping System - Provides record keeping of 401(k) and 403(b) plans for plan sponsors and participants. It shares benefit data with FESCo HR Payroll, Health & Insurance, and Defined Benefits.
DART [D4] ~ (FIIS) Direct Access Reporting and Trading System - Serves advisors and institutions such as banks, insurance companies and competitors that act as intermediaries; selling Fidelity funds to their customers.
ATAAC [F5] ~ (FPCMS) Automated Transfer Agent Accounting and Control - Consolidates the buy and sell activity by Fidelity mutual fund investors, validates the data, then sends the Transfer Agents cash, shares, balances, and transaction activity summary for the prior day to FOCAS.
TRADING APPLICATIONS uApplications which facilitate the buying and selling of securities. –FBSI/FTPS –Middleware – MAUI –FAST –GTS EOMS/REPO/FITS
FBSI / FTPS [D7] ~ (FBC) Fidelity Brokerage Services Inc. / Fidelity Transaction Processing System - Services the retail mutual fund and retail brokerage business as well as the correspondent brokerage business. FTPS is also a transfer agent system.
Middleware – interprets data, authorizes system access and provides load balancing. MAUI / BIG IP [C8] ~ (FBT) Multi-platform Access Utilities and Interface – Acts as the primary communications interface for customer electronic products such as Retail’s, and NF/FRIAG’s Advisor Channel and Streetscape.
FAST [A9] ~ (FBT) Fidelity Automated Services Telephone - A series of VRUs that allows customers to retrieve quotes, balances, and trade mutual funds and stocks over the telephone using touchtone and voice.
GTS [I4] ~(FMRCo) Global Trading System - The online trade-entry system for the portfolio traders of the Retail, Institutional, and International funds. EOMS ~ Equity Order Management System, On line trade entry for equity and high income trades, domestic and international. FITS ~ Fixed Income Trading System. On-line trade entry for the fixed income trades. REPO ~ On-line entry of trade data for Fidelity REPO trading and allocation of trades among the participating funds.
ASSET MANAGEMENT APPLICATIONS uApplications which facilitate the custody reporting of Fidelity holdings and the accounting and reporting of customer holdings held in Trusts. –Custody –FPCMS Invest One –FIL Invest One
Custody [I2] ~ (FPCMS) - Provides trade transmissions, affirmations, and settlement processing between the Custodial Banks and internal applications for the Retail funds.
FPCMS Invest One [G3] ~ (FPCMS) - Performs institutional portfolio accounting of corporate stock funds, separately managed trust accounts, funds of funds and other specialized products.
FIL Invest One [J3] ~ (FIL) – Performs institutional and retail portfolio management of on and off shore funds to support the international investment operations of Fidelity International Limited. The international investment business refers to funds sold in Europe, Japan and Southeast Asia.
FUND PORTFOLIO & SECURITY PRICING APPLICATIONS uApplications providing the accounting and reporting of Fidelity’s holdings and securities for Fidelity’s Retail, VIP, and Advisor funds. –FOCAS –FPS –FIRS –NAVGEN
FOCAS [H5] ~ (FPCMS) Fidelity On-Line Core Accounting System - Provides portfolio accounting for the Retail, VIP, and Advisor funds. FOCAS FI&E does accounting for the fixed income and equity funds. FOCAS MM does the accounting for the money market funds.
FPS / TIB (also known as FMD) [G7] ~ (FISC) Fidelity Pricing System / The Information Bus company - Provides Fidelity business units, and customers real-time security prices retrieved from external vendors and exchanges.
FIRS [G6] ~ (FPCMS) Financial Instrument Reporting System - The central repository and distribution interface for all fund attributes such as NAV, total net assets, 7-day & 30-day average yields, long and short-term capital gains, and number of shares outstanding.
NAVGEN [I6] ~(FPCMS) Net Asset Value Generator - Computes the hourly net asset value (NAV) for the Select Funds and the end-of-day net asset value (NAV) for all other funds. The NAV is the value found by totaling all assets of the mutual fund, minus liabilities, divided by number of shares outstanding.
Fidelity Pricing and Cash Management Services (FPCMS) group A group within Fidelity which provides accounting and investment management support services to Fidelity mutual funds and other investment vehicles, as well as to many Fidelity business partners. These services include calculating and distributing NAVs, distribution rates and yields for a wide variety of investment products; preparing fund financial statements, dividend estimates and tax returns; monitoring delivery of fund trades to custodian banks; processing corporate actions; collecting securities income on behalf of the funds; reconciling, reporting and moving money in support of fund shareholder transactions; and managing fund liquidity.