Honors 9 Vocabulary Week 24
Absolve (V) [ab-zolv] To clear from blame,responsibility, or guilt Syn: acquit, exonerate, vindicate, excuse, pardon The priest absolved him of his sins.
Contiguous (adj) [kuhn-tig-yoo-uhs] Side-by-side, touching; Near, adjacent in time Synonym: adjoining We wanted to check in to our hotels at the same time, so we booked contiguous flights from here to Mexico.
Chastise (V) 1. to discipline, especially by corporal punishment. 2. to criticize severely. Syn. Punish, Scold, (Chew out; Lay into) Ex. Bobby’s teacher caught him cheating on a test and chastised him in front of the entire class.
Execrate (V) [ek-si-kreyt] to detest utterly; to curse; wish evil upon; damn; denounce: Syn. Hate, despise, loathe Ex. He openly execrated all who opposed him.
to feel or express sorrow or sympathy for; empathize with; pity. Ex. On September 11, we commiserate the loss of many innocent lives. Syn. console, feel for, have mercy on, pity, share sorrow for, sympathize Commiserate[kuh-miz-uh-reyt] (V)
Assuage[uh-sweyj] Verb To make milder or less severe; soothe or relieve. Ex. I took some Advil to assuage my headache. Syn. Ease, calm, alleviate
Exhortation[eg-zawr-tey-shuhn] N A comment, conversation, or speech conveying urgent advice or recommendations. Syn. Warning, urging, preaching Ex. As a student, she listened to exhortations given by adults and did not make impulsive decisions.
Delusion (N) [dih-loo-zhuhn] a fixed false belief that is resistant to reason or confrontation with actual fact: a paranoid delusion. Syn. misconception, misbelief, daydream, deception, fantasy, illusion, self-deception Example: While others dismissed his suspicions about his neighbors as paranoid delusions, they realized he was right when several people on the block were robbed.
Antithesis (N) [an-tith-uh-sis] 1. opposition; contrast: the antithesis of right is wrong. 2. the direct opposite Syn. Contrast, opposite, contradiction After his car accident caused by drinking and driving, he became a law-abiding, sober member of the community, the very antithesis of what he was before.
Convalescence (Noun) [kon-vuh-les-uhns] the gradual recovery of health and strength after illness; the period during which such recovery occurs. Syn: recovery, healing, improvement, recuperation, rehabilitation Example: During my illness, I had many ideas about what I would do once I became well again, and I made plans to do these things in my convalescence.