Advancing Business Excellence CPPC Forum 2007 Helping The Public Sector Meet Quality and Societal Challenges Tricia Cooper Manager, QMI
Advancing Business Excellence 2 Discussion Agenda Standards as Business Tools Overview of ISO 9001 & ISO Benefits of Implementation International Context National Context Initiatives in the Public Sector A Case in Point
Advancing Business Excellence 3 Overview Standards as Business Tools : International Organization for Standardization Generic, voluntary, international management systems standards ISO Quality Management System ISO Environmental Management System Fully integrated with the global economy
Advancing Business Excellence 4 Overview of ISO 9001 ISO 9001 : A standard for the systematic management of quality in an organization Model is based on an applied common sense process approach Focuses on processes NOT products Applicability: Suppliers or internal operations
Advancing Business Excellence 5 Model of a Process Based ISO 9001:2000 QMS Management responsibility Measurement, analysis & improvement Resource management C u s t o m e r R e q u i r e m e n t s C u s t o m e r Product realization Input Output Product S a t i s f a c t i o n Continual Improvement of the Quality Management System
Advancing Business Excellence 6 Overview of ISO 9001 Process Set of interrelated or interacting activities Effectiveness of Process Ability to achieve desired result Efficiency of the Process Results achieved Vs. resources used InputOutput Product (result of a process) Monitoring & Measuring before, during, & after the process Procedures Specified way to carry out steps in the process
Advancing Business Excellence 7 Overview of ISO Quality Principals : Customer-focused Continual Improvement Systematic Management Process Based Leadership Involvement of People Factual Decision-making Mutually beneficial supplier relationships
Advancing Business Excellence 8 Overview of ISO ISO : A standard for the systematic management of the environmental impacts of an organization NOT prescriptive - 100% market applicable 25% common requirements to ISO 9001 Structure and ResponsibilityCommunication EMS DocumentationDocument Control NC, CA, PA Records EMS Internal AuditsManagement Review
Advancing Business Excellence 9 ISO 14001EMS Model PLAN DO CHECK ACT
Advancing Business Excellence 10 Benefits of ISO 9001/ ISO Benefits: International in scope, expert-derived All sectors, all nature of organizations Integration with the global economy Common language for dealing with both suppliers and customers in B2B Model for satisfying both customers and other stakeholders Model for continual improvement
Advancing Business Excellence 11 Benefits of ISO 9001/ ISO Benefits: Improved financial performance through increased effectiveness and efficiency Long-term sustainability of organization Improved performance Consistency - regional integration of departments or divisions Increased quality awareness and motivation of staff
Advancing Business Excellence 12 Benefits of ISO 9001/ ISO Benefits: Qualify suppliers for global supply chains Builds quality into products and services from the design phase onwards Increased flexibility: quicker time to market Improved management and operational processes: Less Waste (time and materials) Increased productivity
Advancing Business Excellence 13 Benefits of ISO 9001/ ISO Benefits: Improved environmental performance and state of the environment Enhances public and community relations Addresses environmental concerns of all stakeholders (customers, regulators) Stakeholder and employee pride Liability limitations, demonstration of due diligence
Advancing Business Excellence 14 Benefits of ISO 9001/ ISO Benefits: Integration of environmental goals & organizational planning Improved analytical ability Cost control of future operations Conservation of input materials & energy Improved operations through better training Effective waste management disposal
Advancing Business Excellence 15 Path to Implementation Dedicate resources to development Training (Awareness, Requirements, IQA) Define the system scope, processes, policy & objectives Gap analysis Develop system documents Implement Internal audit & Management review Third Party Registration
Advancing Business Excellence 16 International Context Countries: Drivers for ISO 9001/ISO registration varies country to country Public sector context changes also China represented 25% of all new registrations world-wide in 2005 for ISO 9001 Traditionally the European community is strong on management system implementation
Advancing Business Excellence 17 The ISO Survey
Advancing Business Excellence 18 The ISO Survey (cont.)
Advancing Business Excellence 19 International Context Sectors: Healthcare Food Safety Engineering and Construction Department of Defense Utilities Service Sector
Advancing Business Excellence 20 Contact QMI Tricia Cooper Manager, Western Canada Commerce Parkway Richmond, BC, V6V 2N9 Phone: Webpage: