The World Bank Bulgarian Educational System (One Part of the Continental European Tradition)
The World Bank 2 2 Content 1.Studying in Bulgaria 2.The system of education - General description 3.Structure of the educational system in Bulgaria 4.The system of vocational education and training 5.Description of the VET System in Bulgaria 6.Institutions within the VET system in Bulgaria 7.Vocational gymnasiums 8.2nd and 3rd Degrees of vocational qualifications 9.Training curricula and programmes 10.Vocational Education and Training Act 11.Types of practical training
The World Bank Vocational Education and Training Act 13.Types of Practical Training 14.Training in Accounting 15.Enterprise Accounting Curriculum 16.Education programs of Accounting 17.Graduates specialty in Accounting 18.Completion of VET 19.Certification of VET 20.Some Bulgarian proverbs related with learning
The World Bank Studying in Bulgaria Education in Bulgaria is mainly supported by the state, through the Ministry of Education and Science. School education is compulsory for children from 7 to 16 years of age.
The World Bank Studying in Bulgaria The school year starts on September 15 and ends in May or June depending on the grade level of the students. Classes meet five days a week and usually take two shifts (morning and afternoon). The school year is divided into two terms with Christmas, Easter and Summer Break.
The World Bank Studying in Bulgaria Teachers are obliged to follow educational activities (teaching content) according to Core Curriculum for a particular stage of education, which is included in the Regulations of the Ministry of Education. The grading system is based on numerals, where 6 is the highest and 2 is the lowest grade a student can obtain.
The World Bank The system of education General description
The World Bank Structure of the educational system in Bulgaria Pre-school education. School education: Basic education- it comprises primary school (grades 1-4) and pre-secondary school (grades 5-8). Secondary education- it can be divided into secondary general and vocational. Higher education.
The World Bank The system of vocational education and training It includes vocational guidance, vocational education and vocational training. Vocational training includes: Initial vocational training - acquisition of initial vocational qualification in a profession or part of the profession. Continuing professional education - improvement of the acquired qualification in a profession or part of the profession.
The World Bank 10 The World Bank Description of the VET System in Bulgaria The two bodies responsible for Vocational Education and Training (VET) policy development are the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy. The system of VET trains citizens for a career in the economy and in other sectors of public life by creating conditions for acquiring vocational qualification and its continuous upgrading.
The World Bank 11 The World Bank Institutions within the VET system in Bulgaria Vocational schools Vocational gymnasiums Art schools Sport schools Vocational colleges Vocational training centres Centres for Information and vocational guidance.
The World Bank 12 The World Bank Vocational gymnasiums They provide vocational education for acquisition of the 2nd degree of vocational qualification with 4-year period of study or the 3rd degree of vocational qualification with intensive foreign language instruction with duration of study 4 or 5 years. Basic education graduated or students with 7th grade completed can be admitted in them. Vocational gymnasiums can offer training for adults (aged16 years and above).
The World Bank 13 The World Bank nd and 3 rd Degrees of vocational qualifications Second degree - acquired professional competences for practicing professions that include activities of complex nature carried out under changing conditions. Third degree - acquired professional competences for practicing professions that include complex activities carried out under changing conditions, and responsibilities for the work of others.
The World Bank 14 The World Bank Training curricula and programs Curricula and programmes are developed based on the State Educational Requirements for acquiring a vocational qualification for a profession and the Framework Training Programmes. Curricula include schedule of training; distribution of subjects and classes; requirements for graduation and certification of vocational education; explanatory notes on some additional requirements or clarifications.
The World Bank 15 The World Bank Vocational Education and Training Act VETA regulates the structure of the curricula for vocational education, which should include: General studies. Compulsory vocational training - general, sectoral and specific for each profession; Compulsory foreign language training related to the profession. Optional training courses.
The World Bank 16 The World Bank Types of practical training The practical training is organised as training practice and work placement and takes place in: Training facilities and workshops at the schools; Training facilities and workshops of similar schools or vocational training centres in the Republic of Bulgaria or abroad; Enterprises owned by legal or physical entities.
The World Bank 17 The World Bank Training in Accounting Subject Accounting is taught in all economic professions and specialties. For example the Curriculum of Enterprise Accounting consists 417 classes of theory and 587 classes of practical training, including all types of branch accounting (trade, fiscal, banking, insurance, and computer accounting) for acquiring a vocational qualification for a profession Accountant.
The World Bank 18 The World Bank Enterprise Accounting Curriculum A significant place in the Enterprise Accounting Curriculum is allotted to practice - to improve students’ practical skills and professional qualities specific to the profession. 122 classes work placement in a company of a real job are held during the last 2 years. There students apply the acquired knowledge and skills in all subjects related to the profession Accountant.
The World Bank 19 The World Bank Education programme of accounting: It includes all the theoretical and practical aspects of accounting: A ccounting principles and standards; initial accounting entries; documents and documents processing; tax legislation; practical accounting of economic operations; drawing up statement of accounts, annual financial reports; working with accounting software in real-time environment etc.
The World Bank 20 The World Bank Graduates specialty in Accounting They successfully implement in various spheres of economic life such as accountants and economists in financial and non-financial corporations, financial managers or continue their high education.
The World Bank 21 The World Bank Completion of VET Vocational education is completed by holding the following examinations: 1.National Matriculation Examinations for completion of secondary education in compliance with the National Educational Standard for the level of education, general educational minimum and the curriculum; 2.National Matriculation Examinations for acquiring vocational qualification - theory of the vocation and practice of the vocation.
The World Bank 22 The World Bank Certification of VET The completed vocational education is certified by: 1.A diploma for completed secondary education. 2.A certificate for a vocational qualification. 3.A certificate of competence issued for practicing certain professions – including regulated professions.
The World Bank 23 The World Bank Traditional roles that VET plays in countries like Bulgaria VET as an instrument to prevent and/or offset the risks of social exclusion that result from high rates of early school leavers and school failure. VET as part of active labor market policies to combat youth unemployment and, to a lesser extent, contribute to the re-training of workers. A third emerging role in the 21st Century: VET as an instrument in support of knowledge- based economy.
The World Bank 24 The World Bank Some Bulgarian proverbs related with learning Who studies will achieve success. Knowledge is the key to success.