Anticodons: What and where? Function? Match to mRNA sequence: UUU CAA AGU UGA
Translation is... Monomers for a protein?
5 steps: 1. Initiation
5 steps: 2. Elongation
5 steps: 3. Elongation, cont.
5 steps: 4. Termination
5 steps: 5. Disassembly
Test Thursday! p. 210 #6-9 Activity
1. CODONS are on which strand (circle): DNA mRNA tRNA rRNA 2. ANTICODONS are on (circle): DNA mRNA tRNA rRNA 3. Look at the tRNA molecules. At the bottom are three ____________________, which make up the anticodon. Attached to the other end is a(n) ___________________________. 4. What kind of bond forms when two amino acids attach to each other? 5. Which organelle is the site for all of this “protein synthesis”? 6. Here’s some DNA: T A C A G G C G T a. Transcribe it to mRNA: b. Now use your book to determine the sequence of amino acids:
Please list & describe as many things as possible for the diagram below:
DNA: mRNA: A. Acid:
What happens to the protein after it’s made?
Skin Cancer P. 203