WILL WE HAVE STUDY ISLAND NEXT YEAR? Yes – the pricing deal was for 3 years.
IS THERE A WAY TO GET THE 3RD GRADE LEVEL READ TO THOSE KIDS WHO HAVE THE MATH ABILITY BUT NOT THE READING SKILLS TO DO WORK AT THEIR MATH LEVEL? Currently there is only audio for the K-1 content. We realize there audio delays, we have contacted SI and they have assured us that they are fixing the issue and we should see increased performance soon.
WHY DO THE COMPUTERS KEEP FREEZING WHEN MY CLASS IS USING SI? I will need more information on the strand you are using, the game, etc. Please let me know as many details as you can and then tech support can look into it. A game may use a plugin that hasn’t been installed.
CAN WE SET UP A "DUMMY" STUDENT FOR EACH CLASSROOM, SO I CAN DEMONSTRATE SOME OF THE GAMES/PROCEDURES FOR MY STUDENTS IN THE CLASSROOM USING THE DUMMY STUDENT? You can add Woodcrest 1 to your class. You can find the student in the 1 st Grade list. When you go to use this student, use: Username: Password: WOODCREST
ADDING A STUDENT Click on Class Manager on the left Click on the pencil (will say edit class when you hover over it) Click on the grade level of the student Select the student(s) Save at the bottom.
IS THERE A WAY TO GET MORE THAN 20 TOTAL QUESTIONS ON AN ASSIGNMENT? HOW MANY QUESTIONS ARE IN "THE BANK" FOR A SET SKILL? The maximum number of questions depends on the topic. The same goes for the number of questions in “the bank”. They are constantly added new material to the question banks. Each question constantly changes, the numbers in the questions are chosen randomly.
WHEN YOU CLICK ON 3 DIFFERENT CONCEPTS TO WORK ON, FOR EXAMPLE, AND THEN STUDENTS GO IN UNDER THE GAME MODE, ASKING FOR 20 QUESTIONS, IS IT 20 QUESTIONS FOR EACH CONCEPT OR 20 QUESTIONS TOTAL? Students work on one topic at a time. (even though they may have three assignments on their Class Page) They can have up to maximum number of questions for each of the topics you have assigned.
DO I NEED TO SET UP ASSIGNMENTS FOR KIDS TO PRACTICE FROM HOME OR CAN THEY JUST GO IN AND PRACTICE? You can do it either way or both. Options: Free to choose any grade or any content, you don’t set up anything You give assignments and they are free choose any grade or any content You give assignments and other material has been blocked by you
HOW TO BLOCK OTHER MATERIAL WHEN STUDENTS USE STUDY ISLAND FROM HOME Select Class Manager Select the file folder on the right (when you hover over it, it will say Class Page and Assignments) The 3 rd option is Block other material, set that to yes Click OK at the dialogue window A warning will pop up – click on that and select Temporarily Allow Scripted Windows The 3 rd option is Block other material, set that to yes Click OK at the dialogue window Type in Yes
DATA IN STUDY ISLAND Pretest Post test Formative Assessment Independent Practice Creating lessons at varying levels of complexity Just Remember: When looking at reports, you need to know what level of material you have assigned the students.
PD TAB Log in as yourself Select a grade level on the left under MN programs Select math Under the PD column, select a green check mark Videos Lessons Plans
OPTIONS OF THINGS TO DO WHEN YOU ARE IN THE LAB? Add Woodcrest 1 to your class Block other material Create assignments Explore PD Explore Report/Data Delete previous assignment