Cancer - What’s available from the LHO? David Hofman
Methods of presentation Tabulations Graphs Maps 30,000 cancer deaths per year – 1,000 per borough – 45 per ward
Sources TCR : incidence data Department of Health: hospital admissions (HES) ONS: mortality data
Standardised Admission Rates (SAR)
Female Breast Cancer Incidence, South East London (source: TCR)
All cancers mortality rates, SE London
Lung cancer mortality rates, SE London
Standardised mortality ratios for cancer, persons all ages,
Other features of website Analysis of trends Screening programmes Information sources
Joint work between LHO and TCR Ethnicity A review of ethnicity coding using HES and cancer incidence data looking at how it varies by cancer network, diagnosis, age, sex etc. Deprivation To explore the available indices of deprivation and discuss the advantages and disadvantage of each index. To analyse differences in cancer incidence, admissions and survival by deprivation.