Curricula, training & assessment Professor Maggie Pearson Academic Director for Modernising Scientific Careers MSC Team presented by David Bennett, MSC Project Manager, DH Modernising Scientific Careers
Modernising Scientific Careers: Career and Training Pathways
How have we developed the curricula? MSC Programme Professional Advisers and HE Leads Genetics pilot: curriculum development, assessment tools from spring 2009 Divisional role descriptors with service/profession involvement winter 2008/spring 2009 Curriculum Working Groups summer 2009 onwards: service/profession involvement to define Scientist and Practitioner competences, learning outcomes and indicative content Assessment Working Group December 2009 onwards: populating assessment tools with curriculum material
Where have we got to with the curricula? Generic curriculum across all career levels: patient focus Practitioner Training Programme BSc: academic curricula completed October; training manuals, assessment tools September 2010 Scientist Training Programme: MSc specifications for Life Sciences, Physics and Engineering July 2010; training manuals September 2010 [Physiological sciences December 2010] Assistants and Associates [CF 1-4]: work started, to be completed by March 2011 Higher Specialist Scientist Programme: work starting July 2010, framework to be complete by March 2011
Assessment of workplace-based learning Choice of suitable methods to test Knowledge and its application Practical skills Direct observation in the workplace Scientific thinking and reasoning Discussion of reports and cases Practical skills Direct observation Communication with patients Direct observation Professionalism Multi-source feedback
Assessment tools [workplace-based] Direct observation of procedures [DOPs] Case Based Discussion (CBD) Online Developed from high level outcomes specified in work place modules Standarised training manuals being written by curriculum working groups To include a training portfolio where evidence is collated and kept in one place as a record of progress Currently being piloted in the Genetics programme
Year 3 Application to Practice Year 1 Scientific Basics Academic Increasing specialisation & supporting science Academic learning to support workplace skills development Core Specialism Application of Science, Technologies and Techniques in Service Context Workplace-based Clinical Experience Work placements Core Specialism and Project Divisional Focus Introductory Block across Healthcare Science Integrated BSc (Hons) in Healthcare Science with a Certificate of Competence Year 2 Techniques & Methodologies Equivalence Trainees with prior experience (either academic or work place experience) could be exempt from certain components. Graduates will exit with a graduate diploma in the additional academic learning * Regulation as a Healthcare Science Practitioner Increasing experiential learning (up to a maximum of 50 weeks) * Subject to public consultation Healthcare Science Practitioner Training Programme (PTP)
Conceptual framework for ‘integrated’ BSc [Hons.]
BSc Pathways Life sciences: (blood diagnostics, infection diagnostics, tissue and cellular diagnostics, genetics technology) Cardiovascular/respiratory sciences: (cardiac physiology, respiratory physiology and sleep) Neurosensory sciences: (neurophysiology, audiology, vision sciences) Medical Physics: (radiation physics technology, radiotherapy technology, nuclear medicine technology) Clinical engineering: (renal technology, rehabilitation engineering, medical engineering technology, radiation technology)
BSc curricula available since June 2010 Life sciences: (blood diagnostics, infection diagnostics, tissue and cellular diagnostics, genetics technology) Cardiovascular/respiratory sciences: (cardiac physiology, respiratory physiology and sleep) Neurosensory sciences: (neurophysiology, audiology, vision sciences) Medical Physics: (radiation physics technology, radiotherapy technology, nuclear medicine technology) Clinical engineering: (renal technology, rehabilitation engineering, medical engineering technology, radiation technology)
Healthcare Scientist Training Programme (STP) ROTATIONS (12 months) 4 x 3 months Rotational Programme – Overview Single Specialism (18 months) Specialism 1 Specialism 2 Specialism 3 Introductory Academic Block – 3 months Specialism 4 Elective – one from any healthcare science discipline or a related clinical service (for 4 – 6 weeks) Masters Programme
STP rotations and pathways Life sciences [4]: blood, infection, tissues/cells, genetics Physiological sciences [2]: cardiovascular/respiratory, neurosensory Medical Physics [1] Clinical engineering [1]
More to come… Assistants and Associates [CF 1-4] Higher Specialist Scientist Training Programme Accredited Specialist Expertise Recognised Technical Expertise
Nov Update: Practitioner Training Programme/BSc (Hons) in Healthcare Science Curricula for all the MSC Practitioner Training Programme BSc(Hons) in Healthcare Science [see Appendix 2 for degree programme structure] have been approved by the ETWG for: – Life Sciences [Four final year specialisms in: Blood Sciences; Cellular Sciences; Infection Sciences; Genetics Technology] – Cardiovascular and Respiratory Sciences [Two final year specialisms in: Cardiac Physiology; Respiratory/Sleep Physiology] – Neurosensory Sciences [Three final year specialisms in: Audiology; Neurophysiology; Ophthalmic and Vision Science]. This approval was given after a greater degree of shared learning in Year Two was identified, at ETWG’s request, following its initial review of the curriculum. – Medical Physics [Three final year specialisms in: Radiotherapy Physics; Radiation Physics; Nuclear Medicine] – Clinical Engineering [Four final year specialisms in: Medical Engineering; Radiation Engineering; Renal Technology; Rehabilitation Engineering] Following ETWG approval of the BSc[Hons]/PTP curricula, and proof reading, the curricula will be sent by the ETWG co-chairs to the relevant Professional Body[ies] for comment Training manuals for the work based element of the BSc [Hons] degree curricula will available by mid-November ETWG feels it does not need to review the PTP Training Manuals, which operationalise approved learning outcomes. Work is underway to develop a PTP/BSc [Hons] curriculum for clinical photography.
Nov Update: Scientist Training Programme [STP] The Scientist Training Programme [STP] comprises an academic MSc programme and a separate but closely related Work Based Training Programme which will lead to a separate award/certificate. Trainees will need to complete both awards successfully to qualify as a Healthcare Scientist. The following STP curricula were approved by ETWG on October [with some agreed minor amendments]: – The Generic Curriculum for all STP programmes – Medical Physics The following STP curricula will be considered by ETWG on November – Blood Sciences – Cellular Sciences – Infection Sciences – Clinical Engineering We expect that STP curricula will be considered by the ETWG in December [date tbc] for: – Cardiovascular, respiratory and sleep sciences, including gastro-intestinal physiology and urodynamics [cardiology; respiratory and sleep sciences; vascular science; gastrointestinal physiology; urodynamics specialisms] – Neurosensory sciences [audiology, neurophysiology, ophthalmology and vision sciences specialisms] Once STP curricula have received final approval from the ETWG, and have been proof read, they will be sent by the co-chairs of ETWG to the relevant Professional Body[ies] for comment. Work is also underway to develop STP curricula in: – Maxillo -facial prosthetics – Critical care [to be reviewed by an inter-professional working group to confirm whether Scientist level training is appropriate] – ETWG feels it does not need to see the STP Training Manuals, which will be available as working drafts in January 2011 and operationalise agreed learning outcomes.
Nov Update: As at 10 th November 2010, thanks to significant engagement of healthcare science professionals from the service, many nominated by Professional Bodies: – All BSc [Hons]/PTP curricula [except Clinical Photography, which is under development] have been completed and approved by ETWG – The Generic Curriculum for STP and the Medical Physics STP curriculum have been completed and approved by ETWG – Four STP curricula in: Blood Sciences; Cellular Sciences; Infection Sciences; Clinical Engineering will be considered by ETWG on 17th November – We expect ETWG to consider two STP curricula in Physiological Sciences in early December – Once approved by ETWG, PTP and STP curricula will be sent formally by the ETWG Co-chairs to the relevant Professional Body[ies] for comment and their comments noted.
Healthcare Science Education and Training Board Advisory Group Independent Options Appraisal Plan to establish by September 2011
Key points to note Most of the Curriculum Working Groups have been UK wide, nominated by Professional Bodies and from the service The draft curricula have been sent to Owen Crawley at the Welsh Assembly whenever the Education and Training Working Group [which Wales has a seat on] has had them. There have been very helpful Welsh representatives at the meetings approving curricula Pending arrival of HCSETB, an interim approval process has been developed which could also be offered for use in other countries