Key idea: To be able to multiply a number by 10, 100 and 1000 WILF: Hi, I’m Wilf, pleased to meet you! WhatI’mLookingFor Children who can multiply by 10, 100 and 1000, then say or write the new number.
Thhto 1111 x10 In the decimal system, the number in each column is 10 times bigger than the number to its right
In the decimal system, the number in each column is 10 times bigger than the number to its right. Thhto 1111 x10
Thhto 6 6 x10 If we multiply any digit by ten it will move into the next column We must put a 0 in the empty units column to hold the place so 6 x 10 = 60 0
Let’s look at another number 23 x 10 = 230 Thhto 23 x Then we must remember to put the zero in to the hold the digits in place! 0
Let’s try these together! 48 x 10 = 93 x 10 = 134 x 10 = 256 x 10 = 889 x 10 = 480 Write the answers on your boards 930 1,340 2,560 8,890
Thhto 6 6 If we multiply 6 by a hundred it will move up two columns X 100 We must put a 0 in the empty columns to hold the place – 6 x 100 =
Let’s try these together! 8 x 100 = 15 x 100 = 28 x 100= 134 x 100 = 267 x 100 = 800 Write the answers on your boards. 1,500 2,800 13,400 26,700
Thhto 6 6 If we multiply 6 by a thousand it will move up three columns We must put a 0 in the empty columns to hold the place – 6 x 1000 = x1000
Another way to think about it: 39 x 100 = 39 think X 1 = So, 39 X 100 = 3,900
Let’s try these examples! 9 x 1000 = 13 x 1000 = 64 x 1000= 149 x 1000 = 352 x 1000 = 9,000 Write the answers on your boards. 13,000 64, , ,000
Let’s try some more! Copy each problem and write the answer on your board.
19 x 100 = 32 x 10 = 81 x 1,000= 199 x 1 = 61 x 10,000 = Use what you know and attempt this one! , ,000