By: Emma and Brooke Physical Education Lesson Plan
Title of Activity: Soccer (kicking the ball) Target grade level: 2nd Grade Location: Outside or in a Gym Duration of activity: 30 minutes Introduction to Activity
Standards National Association for Sport and Physical Education Standard: Standard 2 - The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance. Indiana Physical Education Academic Standard: Standard 3; Exhibits a physically active lifestyle. INTASC Standard: Standard #1: Learner Development Description: The teacher understands how learners grow and develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements, developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences.
Objective Student Objective: How well the children make contact with the ball & make sure each students has a chance with the ball and everyone is sharing the ball. Also to kick the ball the right way. Students will: We can observe the students recalling information to kick the ball a certain way. The children are expressing this recalling by kicking the ball into a net or to other people. Then, the students are applying their knowledge to maintain a game they they are playing with one another. As the students get used to the game of soccer, they assess themselves and are able to find ways to get better at the game.
Introductory Activity 5-8 Minutes Jumping jacks Lunges High Knees Steps 1-2
Lesson Activity minutes Find Partners Divide students up with number of soccer balls 1 student from each group get a ball from ball rack Single file line against wall Walk outside Stay in a single file line while watching he teacher Teacher demonstrates kicking the ball First, stand still while kicking ball to partners (10 minutes) After practiced standing still kicking ball, kids can run around and kick ball to one another (10 minutes) Steps 3-9
Closing Activity 5 minutes Blow a whistle to get students to freeze Cool down period with jumping jacks and walking laps Drink of water Sit down Kick Rubric (page 471)
The End! Accommodations Safety Concerns