Everyone loves that new car smell, but after a while our vehicles usually start collecting various foul odors. Bad car smells have a number of causes, and keeping these odors out of your vehicle requires a variety of common-sense tactics. Below we’ll take a look at ways to keep your car smelling like new—or at least not like a toxic waste dump.
All those foul car smells tend to get absorbed in the seats and other fabrics of the cabin. Vacuuming these areas can go a long way toward getting rid of the odor problem. Fitting an upholstery attachment on the vacuum will help you get into those hard-to-reach spaces.
A lot of people are in the habit of lighting up cigarettes in the car, but it’s an undeniable fact that smoke lingers inside the vehicle. Cigarette smoke has a way of getting into the various interior components of your automobile. Thoroughly cleaning the upholstery will help eliminate unpleasant cigarette stench. Another strategy is to spray a deodorizer into the intake valve of the air conditioner—this is another area where smoke tends to collect.
Some drivers notice a gasoline odor inside the car right after they turn on the air conditioner. This could indicate a gas leak—which can cause problems more serious than just bad odor. The leak may come from any one of several places—the muffler, the fuel injector, and the fuel pressure regulator are some common culprits. In any event, this problem should be fixed, preferably by a mechanic.
Dogs and cats just love taking a ride in the car, but animal fur often leaves behind an unpleasant smell. The problem gets magnified if the animal’s fur is wet. Consider using plastic kennels when traveling with the pets—that will keep fur off the seats. In the meantime, existing pet smells can be dealt with by using fabric cleaner.
Some people try various perfumes, sprays, and/or dangling air fresheners to mask bad smells. But there are several problems with this approach. These scents only cover up the smells. It’s a temporary solution at best. These scents can be even more offensive than the problem they’re supposed to treat.
Many drivers keep extra oil, gasoline, engine coolant, and other automotive fluids stored in containers that tend to be left in the trunk for extended periods of time. If these containers leak, the smell will likely find its way into the cabin of the vehicle. Try to keep these containers tightly sealed. In the case of a spill, you may have to clean the trunk thoroughly to get the odor out.
How many times have you rushed to your car because you suddenly found yourself being rained on? People tend not to realize that the moisture they bring into the car doesn’t just instantly evaporate—it seeps into the seats and flooring. This is one cause of malodorous mold in cars. After a rainy day like this, try to ensure that your car’s interior is properly dried.
Valugard Odor Terminator is an easy-to-use unscented formula that can eliminate car odors in no time. Instead of merely covering up odors, this formula works by chemically altering the microbes that cause bad car smells. The user simply sprays a mist all over the car’s interior as well as inside the heating and air conditioning vents. The formula can also be added to extractor solutions.
About Automotive International, Inc. Established in 1971, Automotive International, Inc. is a provider of automotive maintenance chemicals, including the Valugard line of products. The company markets to a wide range of clients: vehicle manufacturers, automobile importers/exporters, truck and car dealers, body shops, detail shops, car washes, school bus districts, governmental entities, and more. Serving customers across the U.S. and twenty foreign countries, Automotive International, Inc. is headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio. Visit to learn more.
Summary Bad car smells have a number of causes, and keeping these odors out of your vehicle requires a variety of common-sense tactics. Learn the best ways to keep your car smelling fresh.