Please pick up the papers in the back as you come in.
Daily Routine ▪ Step 1 Pull out your notes and bell work card for a stamp. ▪ Step 2 Pull out your lab book and start on the bell work. ▪ Step 3 Short lecture covering important info. ▪ Step 4 Hands-on applications & practice. ▪ Step 5 Clean up.
Weekly Routine ▪ Day of Class You will get a bonus point for doing homework that night. ▪ Sunday Homework for the week is due at midnight.
Quarter Routine Units Three units per quarter with three unit tests Day of Test Turn in Lab Reports / Bell Work / Notes Packet Writing Project Write one 5-paragraph essay per quarter Hands-on-Project Build one device per quarter
How do I get extra credit? ▪ Do homework the day it is assigned. ▪ Collect extra bell work stamps. ▪ Don’t lose participation points.
Class Website:
Tonight’s Homework: 1. Disclosure Document Signature Due next Time 2. Classroom Policy, Introduction, & Learning About Myself (online homework) Due Sunday at midnight 3. Buy a lab book (NOT spiral bound) Due next time
Let’s head to the Computer Lab!