Kiev Social protection in Poland
Poland has 16 provinces (regional social policy centres), 314 districts (poviat centres for family suport), 66 towns with county rights and municipalities (social assistance centres).
Self- governments poviats Regional parliament communnity
Law of 12 march 2004 on Social Assistance Three sectors of social protection providers Principle of subsidiarity Social work is based on the resources of individuals, groups, communities MAIN PRINCIPLES
RESOURCES local communities and local initiatives NGOs and religious organizations People at risk of social exclusion social enterprise Self- goverments goverment administration
DEFINITION Social assistance is an institution of state social policy, aimed at enabling individuals and families to overcome difficult situations, where they are not able to overcome using their own powers, resources and capabilities.
Reasons for provision of social assistance poverty, orphanhood homelessness unemployment, disability long-term illness or serious illness, domestic violence, the need to protect maternity,
Instruments of social services care, prevention, activation, integration Social work Employment Social - Social Integration Clubs, Centres for Social Integration Social cooperatives, WTZ, ZAZ Care services Special care services Community (enviromental) care and stationary of dependents 1 ) Institutional ( family counseling, community care for the child - clubs, lounges 2 ) Systems of income support - social assistance, family benefits, housing allowances, scholarships Citizen advice Projects: Local Activity Centre, Clubs work, KIS
The only external source of financing social assistance tasks are taxes...
…but very important contribution to the financing of social assistance are
Strategia Polityki Społecznej: I. subsidies eg. education II. specific grants III. Subsides for NGOs (Act on Public Benefit and Volunteer Work) Financing organization at the government level
Financing organisation at the self-governmets level Self- governments budget tasks own (own funds) tasks outsourced (grants, subsidies)
The commune's own mandatory: providing shelter, providing food and necessary clothing to those deprived of it; granting and payment of periodic benefits; granting and paying benefits to fraud; social work; organization and provision of care services, including specialist in the place of residence, with the exception of specialist care services for persons with mental disorders; help those who have difficulty in adapting to life after release from prison; granting and paying benefits permanent
The commune's own: granting and payment of special benefits to fraud; granting and withdrawing support for economic empowerment in the form of allowances, loans and assistance in kind; keeping and providing the places in nursing homes and support centers with a range of municipal and directing them to people in need of care;.
Delegated responsibilities of government implemented by the commune: organization and provision of specialist care services at the place of residence for people with mental disorders; granting and paying benefits earmarked to cover the expenditure related to the disaster or ecological; maintenance and development of infrastructure, environmental self- help homes for people with mental disorders; realization of tasks resulting from government social assistance programs, aimed at protecting the quality of life of individuals, families and social groups, and the development of specialist support; the payment of remuneration for the provision of care.
CITIZEN IMPACT public consultation participatory budgets NGO projects submitted in the competition offers Social council at the level of municipalities, counties and provinces forums to exchange experiences and representative forums (such as the Forum of Universities of the Third Age in Wielkopolska)
Wielkopolska – how it works? Picture of life (blood is thicker than water)
In the Wielkopolska Region operates 226 social assistance centers (municipalities, communes), 31 poviats centers for family support (districts) and 4 city centers for family supports (cities and towns). In addition, in accordance with the constitutional principle of subsidiarity and partnership, Self-government of the Wielkopolska Region is working with local self-goverments on improving the quality of the inhabitants life. In 2012, the region had registered non-governmental organizations: 921 foundation, associations and social organizations and 378 social organizations listed separately
In Wielkopolska, social assistance covered the people (5.2% of the total population), including (46,5%) long-term social assistance beneficiaries (people who during 3 years were registered in the social assistance system for at least 18 months).
Regionalny Ośrodek Polityki Społecznej w Poznaniu The main reasons for granting the social assistance in Wielkopolska, consistently for many years, are: 1. poverty, persons. (according to Eurostat risk of relative poverty rate after taking into account social transfers, in Wielkopolska was 16.9%, so every sixth inhabitant of Wielkopolska faced with a shortage of funds for maintenance). 2. unemployment, persons. (in the last 12 months the number of unemployed persons increased by , the unemployment rate was 9.9%), 3. long-term or serious illness, persons.4. disability, persons.
People change the reality. As employees of ROPS we change a piece of the world, which is Wielkopolska, making it, along with our partners, safer, civic, friendly residents, giving them equal chances and opportunities. The work for the Wielkopolska is based on 3 pillars: Sensitivity - develop it, liberate themselves and in others; Imagination - we create new solutions, we look far into the future to know what to do now; Participatory - welcome to the cooperation of all the stakeholders of our activities
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