European and Chinese Cooperation on Grid CNGrid GOS China National Grid System Software Zhiwei Xu, Taoying Liu ICT, CAS.


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Presentation transcript:

European and Chinese Cooperation on Grid CNGrid GOS China National Grid System Software Zhiwei Xu, Taoying Liu ICT, CAS

Second EchoGrid Workshop Beijing – 29 & 30 October 2007 CNGrid GOS System software (VEGA GOS, ICT) App                            Distributed resources: hardware, software, data DataGrid (Tsinghua, etc) CNGrid Programming (ICT) Workflow (Beihang, ICT) CNGrid GOS HPC Gateway (ICT)

Second EchoGrid Workshop Beijing – 29 & 30 October 2007

Portal Information management: cluster, job, users, resources. User operations IDE GSML composer & browser VINCA Workflow IDE Debugger (Eclipse IDE) IDE

Second EchoGrid Workshop Beijing – 29 & 30 October 2007 Programming Model

Second EchoGrid Workshop Beijing – 29 & 30 October 2007 GSML Composer: WYSIWYG Interface Features: Visual Interface True WYSIWYG “Zero-code” programming Multiple langurage (Java, C/C++, Perl, Pyteon) by funnels Script Support Import services from WS/WSRF containers Registries (MDS/UDDI) or even web sites CNGrid GOS, EGEE/glite, TeraGrid/GT Rich Funnel Libraries UI GT4 Office Legacy applications Perl/Python… Automatic update of Core Funnel libraries

Second EchoGrid Workshop Beijing – 29 & 30 October 2007 Data Management File Management Global file space Read-only replica Quota Protocol independent reliable file transfer Heterogeneous database integration Integrating heterogeneous DB sources Providing unified view and access method

Second EchoGrid Workshop Beijing – 29 & 30 October 2007 Resource management & SLA Virtualization Web service, Job Queue, Message Queue, Funnel (Legacy Applications) EVP address model Location transparent Meta Scheduler & Scheduler HPC Gateway OpenPBS, PBS Pro, LSF HW resources Computer, Storage, Network Security Investigating the possibility of compliant to WS-Security standard Providing CA service (X509 V3 Certificate) Authentication user/pwd, User certificate, Proxy certificate Integrity SOAP message signature Credentiality SOAP message encryption Agora supporting VO access control

Second EchoGrid Workshop Beijing – 29 & 30 October 2007 Biological research Geological research Simulation on manufacturing Aerographical research Applications on CNGrid

Second EchoGrid Workshop Beijing – 29 & 30 October 2007 Orthogonal Questions Globus based or not No, not dependant on Globus, Tomcat + Axis Approach to SOA Service Virtualization to enhance location transparency and portability Main languages Java, GSML, JSP Portability across platforms JSDL, BES WS-I standard Saga interface Interoperability with other Grid middleware Implement different adapters to various Grid services Funnels: GT4, CGSP, OMII Accounting Standard Usage Record format

Second EchoGrid Workshop Beijing – 29 & 30 October 2007 Distribution Model Open source within workpackage Open source within CNGrid Open source to the world when ready

Second EchoGrid Workshop Beijing – 29 & 30 October 2007 Future Plan release CNGrid GOS release CNGrid GOS 4.0 Support user application development Support interoperability

Second EchoGrid Workshop Beijing – 29 & 30 October 2007 Thanks! Q&A