Marie Curie Fellowship Programme Intra-European Fellowship for Career Development (IEF) Career Integration Grant (CIG) International Outgoing Fellowship (IOF) International Incoming Fellowship (IIF) Dr Barry Dixon – Research Facilitator (EU & Overseas) School of Arts & Humanities, School of Humanities & Social Sciences
Intra-European Fellowship (IEF) Career Integration Grant (CIG) International Outgoing Fellowship (IOF) International Incoming Fellowship (IIF) Commonalities
Prolegomena 1
Prolegomena 2 An ‘experienced researcher’ is someone who has either a PhD or at least 4 years’ full-time research experience, after obtaining a degree permitting them to embark on a doctorate. A ‘third country’ is any country that is not an EU member state, nor an associated country. Associated countries are: Switzerland, Israel, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Turkey, Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia, Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Faroe Islands, Republic of Moldova. The ‘scientist in charge’ is a senior researcher at the host institution who mentors the fellow for the duration of the project. All disciplines are covered by all schemes and projects can be on any topic (bottom-up approach).
Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development (IEF) Purpose: to allow an experienced researcher to move within Europe to pursue a research project for 1-2 years. The budget in 2013 is €134M. Who: researchers of any nationality who are based in EU member states or associated countries. Mobility: applicants must not have resided nor carried out their main activity in the country of their host organisation for more than 12 months in the 3 years prior to the deadline. What: the main activities of an IEF will be a training-through-research project, that has a realistic and well defined objective in terms of career advancement. The project should be shaped in order to significantly develop and widen the competences of the applicant, in terms of their multi or inter-disciplinary expertise, inter-sectoral experience, and/or complementary skills. Note: there is a ‘career restart’ option for those who have not been active researchers for the last 12 months
International Outgoing Fellowship (IOF) Purpose: for experienced researchers to conduct a training-through-research project for 1-2 years in a third country, including a mandatory return phase of 1 year. The budget in 2013 is €44.5M. Who: applicants must be nationals of an EU member state or associated country. However, third country nationals are eligible if they have worked in a member state or associated country for a minimum of 5 years prior to the deadline. Mobility: applicants must not have resided nor carried out their main activity in the country of the partner organisation for more than 12 months in the 3 years prior to the deadline. What: An IOF is again based on advanced training and should significantly widen your skill set/competences, through the completion of a predefined research project. Note: if the fellow does not complete the reintegration phase, the host organisation will have to reimburse the total amount.
International Incoming Fellowship (IIF) Purpose: for experienced researchers from a third country to take up a fellowship in an EU member state or associated country for 1-2 years. With this scheme, the more experience an applicant already has the better. The budget in 2013 is €44.5M. Who: for researchers of any nationality based in a third country Mobility: at the time of the deadline, applicants must not have resided nor carried out their main activity in the country of their host organisation for more than 12 months in the 3 years prior to the deadline. What: IIF funding is provided for a project that will transfer knowledge to the host institution and build or enhance collaboration between Europe and the rest of the world. Note: a one year re-integration phase is possible for applicants returning to an ICPC country*
Career Integration Grant (CIG) Purpose: this is a lump sum of €25,000 per year for 2-4 years, in order to help experienced researchers settle in/return to Europe. The budget in 2013 is €40M. Who: researchers of any nationality who are based in EU member states or associated countries. Mobility: applicants must not have resided nor carried out their main activity in the country of their host organisation for more than 12 months in the 3 years prior to the deadline. What: these grants are intended to improve the prospects for the permanent integration of researchers who are offered a stable research post in Europe after a mobility period in a country different from the country where the researcher has been active during the past years.
Commonalities 1: How much? All fellowships (except the CIG) are based on a series of flat rates for eligible cost categories: A monthly living allowance: €58,500 p.a. ( 10 years experience). This is adjusted according to the country of the host institution. A monthly mobility allowance: €1,000 per month for those with dependents, €700 per month for those without. A contribution to the training expenses (transfer of knowledge expenses for IIF) that is paid to the host institution at €800 per month. A contribution to overheads that is paid to the host institution at €700 per month.
Commonalities 2: Application and Assessment Criteria The application consists of 2 main parts. Part A covers the administrative details (details of the proposal, the host, the researcher, and the finances), while Part B covers the proposal and is divided into the following sub- sections: IEFCIGIOFIIF Research and Technological Quality 25%30%25% Training15%NA15% Researcher25%30%25% Implementation15% Impact20%25%20%
Commonalities 2: Assessment Criteria (note that page limits are in effect for each scheme) Research and technological quality, including any interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary aspects; appropriateness of research methodology and approach; originality and innovative nature of the project and relationship to the 'state of the art‘; timeliness and relevance of the project; host research expertise in the field; quality of the group/scientist in charge. Training; clarity and quality of the training objectives for the researcher; relevance and quality of additional research training as well as of transferable skills offered; measures taken by the host for providing quantitative and qualitative mentoring/tutoring. Researcher; research experience; research results including patents, publications, teaching etc.; independent thinking and leadership qualities; match between the fellow's profile and project; potential for reaching or reinforcing a position of professional maturity; potential to acquire new knowledge.
Commonalities 2: Assessment Criteria contd.. Implementation; quality of infrastructures/facilities and international collaborations of host; practical arrangements for the implementation and management of the project; feasibility and credibility of the project, including work plan; practical and administrative arrangements and support for the hosting of the fellow. Impact; Impact of competencies acquired during the fellowship on the future career prospects of the researcher; contribution to career development; benefit of the mobility to the European Research Area; development of lasting cooperation and collaboration with other countries; contribution to European excellence and European competitiveness regarding the expected results; impact of the proposed outreach activities.
Commonalities 3: Evaluation Applications are separated by review panel. Social Sciences and Humanities have their own panel, as do (bizarrely) Economics. The basis of the evaluation is independent peer review by international experts. In order to aid the peer reviewers, applicants can invite up to 3 referee assessments, which are sent directly by the referees. Proposals must score above set thresholds for each section in order to progress to panel meetings, which are formed in order to grade and classify the proposals IEF16%18% 24% CIG30% (avg) 60% (avg) 65% (avg) IOF16%19%17%20% IIF13%16%12%15%
Submission Proposals must be submitted through the Electronic Submission Services of the Commission (SEP) in the Research Participant Portal via an ECAS login. SEP has replaced the Electronic Proposals Submission System (EPSS); Make sure you submit in plenty of time, particularly if you are providing referee reports. The deadline for the IEF, IOF, and IIF is 14 th August, The next deadline for the CIG is 18 th September, 2013
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