Welcome! To Economics
Who is this person up front? Mr. Hubert
Lets Learn About You! - Name, Nickname (Keep it PG), And - If you knew you would be stranded on a desert island for 1 year, which 5 objects would you bring with you? (No Electricity is available even if you bring it!) AS I Walk Around: Grab up to 3 Candies from the Jar…
You now have to share with the class facts that correspond by color. Let’s keep it clean/PG! Red – family Pink– hobbies Yellow– friends Orange– favorite song or singing group
What is this course about? Let’s Check out the Syllabus!!!
Expectations Attendance: Be here as much as possible, if you are not here, you will have a hard time with the regents. Late: Be on time every day, and if you have an issue with being on time speak to Mr. Hubert Seek Help: I will do my best to be here every day after school, please feel free to stop by! I don’t Bite! Honors Kids: Grade of 90 or Above on the Regents Global 10 Kids: Mastery of 85 or Higher on the Regents!
Procedures Do’s and Don’ts (RULES) Do: Do all of your assignments on time. Be respectful to Mr. Hubert and To your fellow classmates. Do Not: Have your cell phone on your desk or using it during class unless the teacher asks you to! Do not be late to class.
Access to School Work I like to use my own website to store all the work we will be using throughout the year! Tinyurl.com/phshubert There will be your classwork and any homeworks will be on the site!
Materials Needed for Class American Heritage College dictionary (you may purchase any other if this is not available). Binder 2” or notebook with 3 separate sections. Blue or black ink pens for classroom assignments Post it notes Poster board 2 or 3 white pieces are needed for the year (it may be more economical to buy a 10 pack and use for various classes) Highlighters and colored pencils. Two pocket folder Page protectors (clear) for handouts we use.
Exit Survey Tomorrow is Picture Day During Class!
Day 2 Plan for Today Welcome Back Review Game? Class Pictures
Welcome Back O Any questions from yesterday? O Is there anything I can clarify?
Review Game O x/jeopardy-review- game.php?gamefile=389129#.Vecr1yVViko x/jeopardy-review- game.php?gamefile=389129#.Vecr1yVViko
Pictures O Lets go and get our pictures taken!