Community Input Meeting #4 July 8 & 9, 2009
Agenda City Staff & Project Team Why we are here Project overview Summary of previous community meetings Overview of draft strategies Next Steps
Project overview Sign Code Update focus: signage regulations for the Downtown Sign Zone and other commercial areas –Assess current signage regulations –Update, reorganize –Make easier to use and understand
Input from previous community meetings High-quality signs are valued Regulations should not inhibit creative signs Sign blight is a concern Enforcement of sign regulations needed Regulations should be equitable
Input from previous community meetings on billboards & supergraphics Billboards add visual interest Downtown & promote commerce Off-site advertising does not benefit local businesses Context is important/billboards not appropriate everywhere Billboards cause blight Digital billboards are a traffic safety concern and should not be close to residential Supergraphics should not cover windows
Signage Strategies Static Billboards Programmable Electronic (LED) Billboards Programmable Electronic Signs Shopping Center Freeway Signs Supergraphics in the Downtown
Downtown Core and Central Area
Static Billboards Billboard: A sign that is either a poster panel (12’ x 24’) or a painted bulletin (14’ x 48’) Allow them in the Downtown – in the central area & along SR- 87? Allow onsite/offsite messages?
Static Billboards Strategy 1: Current Billboard Relocation Regulations Strategy 2: Large On-Site Advertising in Central Area of Downtown Core Strategy 3: Billboards in the Central Area of Downtown Core Strategy 4: Billboards in the Central Area of Downtown Core + Along SR-87 in DT Core Location Relocated billboards not allowed within 660 ft. of a freeway. Discouraged in Downtown Core. Allow in Central Area of Downtown Core Allow in Central Area of Downtown Core and along 87 in the Downtown Core Onsite/Offsite Message Restriction Both on-site and off-site messages Only on-site messages Both on-site and off-site messages Maximum Area 700 sq ft 700 sq ft (14 x 50 ft) Maximum Height 36 ftFreestanding: 25 ft Bldg. attached: 30 ft Freestanding: 25 ft Bldg. attached: 30 ft Central Area: 25 ft freestanding, 30 bldg. attached Along 87: 50 ft Separation Requirement Min. 600 feet from residential property recommended Min. 660 ft from any freeway required Min. 300 ft required from an existing billboard facing in the same direction along a street None Min. 200 ft from residential property unless screened from view by an intervening non- residential building Max. 2 signs within 500 ft radius Min. 200 ft from residential property unless screened from view by an intervening non- residential building Central area: max. 2 signs in 500 ft radius Within 300 ft of SR-87: min ft separation Relocation or Replacement Requirement Relocation of existing billboards allowed on a 1:1 basis None Allow new billboards based on removal of existing billboards with minimum replacement ratio of 1:1 based on sq ft
Static Billboards: Which strategy do you prefer? 1.Strategy 1: Current Relocation Regulations 2.Strategy 2: Large On-Site in Central Area of Downtown Core 3.Strategy 3: Billboards in the Central Area of Downtown Core 4.Strategy 4: Billboards in the Central Area of Downtown Core + Along SR-87 in DT Core
Programmable Electronic (LED) Billboards Electronic/changeable message Billboard: A sign that is either a poster panel (12’ x 24’) or a painted bulletin (14’ x 48’) Allow them in the Downtown and along SR-87? Allow onsite/offsite messages?
Programmable Electronic (LED) Billboards Strategy 1: Current Large Programmable Electronic Billboard Prohibition Strategy 2: Large Programmable Electronic signs in the Downtown Core Central Area On-site Messages Only Strategy 3: Large Programmable Electronic signs in the Central Area of Downtown Core – On & Off-site Messages Strategy 4: Large Programmable Electronic signs in the Central Area of Downtown Core + Along SR-87 Location Retain the current prohibition Allow in Central Area of Downtown Core Allow in Central Area of Downtown Core & within 300 ft of SR 87 Onsite/Offsite Message Restriction Only on-site messages allowed Both on-site and off-site messages allowed Maximum Area700 sq ft Maximum Height Freestanding: 25 ft Bldg. attached: 30 ft Freestanding: 25 ft Bldg. attached: 30 ft Central Area: 25 ft freestanding, 30 ft bldg. attached Along SR-87: 50 ft Separation Requirement None Min. 500 ft from residential property unless screened from view by an intervening non- residential building Max. 2 signs within 500 ft radius Min. 500 ft from residential property unless screened from view by an intervening non-residential building Central area: max. 2 signs within 500 ft radius Within 300 ft of SR-87: min. 1,000 ft separation Relocation or Replacement Requirement None Allow new billboards based on removal of existing billboards with minimum replacement ratio of 5:1 based on sq ft
Programmable Electronic Billboards: Which strategy do you prefer? 1.Strategy 1: Current Prohibition 2.Strategy 2: Programmable Signs in the Central Area On-Site Messages Only 3.Strategy 3: Programmable Signs in the Central Area On- and Off-Site Messages 4.Strategy 4: Programmable Signs in the Central Area + Along SR-87
Programmable Electronic Signs Electronic/changeable message Allow for Assembly Uses?
Programmable Electronic Signs Proposed Soccer Stadium Scoreboard/Sign
Programmable Electronic Signs Electronic/changeable message Allow along major commercial streets?
Programmable Electronic Signs Electronic/changeable message Allow for large tenant spaces in the Downtown?
Programmable Electronic Signs Strategy 1: Retain Current Regulations Strategy 2: Assembly Uses Strategy 3: Major Commercial Streets Strategy 4: Large Occupancy Frontages in the Downtown LocationBldg. attached: allowed for large buildings Downtown & in Urban Mixed Use Sign Zone (UMUSZ) Kiosk: on private sidewalk or plaza in Downtown & UMUSZ Attached or freestanding for assembly uses (e.g., schools, churches, theaters, nightclubs, stadiums) As freestanding signs in commercial zoning districts along streets ≥ 115 ft in width As attached signs in the Downtown for large ground-floor tenant spaces on streets with posted traffic speed limits ≤ 35 mph Onsite/Offsite Message Restriction None Only on-site messages allowed Maximum Area18 sq ft per face Based on size of use Based on current freestanding sign area regulations 40 sq ft Maximum HeightBldg. attached: 12 ft Kiosk: 8 ft Based on size of use Based on current freestanding sign height regulations No higher than elevation of second finished floor or 20 feet, whichever is greater
Programmable Electronic Signs: Which strategy do you prefer? 1.Strategy 1: Current Regulations 2.Strategy 2: Assembly Uses 3.Strategy 3: Major Commercial Streets 4.Strategy 4: Large Occupancy Frontages in the Downtown
Shopping Center Freeway Signs Large freestanding signs along freeway Not currently allowed Should this restriction be relaxed? Could this be an electronic sign/programmable?
Shopping Center Freeway Signs Strategy 1: Current Regulations Strategy 2: Static Freeway Signs Strategy 3: Programmable Electronic Signs Location Retain the current regulations that do not allow large signs facing freeways Shopping centers of 25 acres or more within 200 ft of a freeway Onsite/Offsite Message Restriction Only on-site messages allowed Type of Sign Static sign (not digital or programmable) Programmable Electronic Signs (message can change) Maximum Area 200 sq ft Maximum Height 40 ft or sign area ÷ by 4 (whichever is less)
Shopping Center Freeway Signs: Which strategy do you prefer? 1.Strategy 1: Current Regulations 2.Strategy 2: Static Freeway Signs 3.Strategy 3: Programmable Electronic Signs
Supergraphics in the Downtown Large banners/graphics Applied to sides of buildings Allow in the Downtown? Allow as temporary on-site advertising? Allow as permanent off-site advertising (image changes periodically)
Supergraphics in the Downtown Strategy 1: Current Regulations Strategy 2: Supergraphics as Temporary On- site Signs Strategy 3: Supergraphics as Permanent Changeable On or Off-site Advertising Location No supergraphics permitted Central Area of the Downtown Core on blank walls of buildings Onsite/Offsite Message Restriction Only on-site messages allowed Both on-site and off-site messages allowed Duration Temporary basis Permanent basis (sign replaced periodically; location approved for continuous display) Maximum Area Max. coverage 80% of wall area Maximum Height May not extend above roof or parapet
Supergraphics in the Downtown: Which strategy do you prefer? 1.Strategy 1: Current Regulations 2.Strategy 2: Supergraphics as Temporary On-Site Signs 3.Strategy 3: Supergraphics as Permanent Changeable On or Off-Site Advertising
Next Steps Preferred Signage Strategy considered by Community and Economic Development Council Committee August 2009 Preferred Signage Strategy considered by City Council September 2009 Preparation of revisions to Sign Code September-December 2009