What is a Boll Weevil and how did it effect GA during the 1920s? A grey, long-snouted beetle which laid eggs in cotton plants and the larva ate the cotton.
Which New Deal program paid farmers to stop producing crops and lead to the end of Sharecropping and Tenant farming? AAA- Agricultural Adjustment Act
Which Georgia town did FDR visit and why? Warm Springs and for treatment for his polio
Explain the Great Migration A time where blacks and poor whites from the South moved to industrial Northern cities to seek jobs.
Name both sides of WWI and all of the countries AlliedCentral FranceAustria Hungary Great BritainGermany United StatesOttoman Empire Russia
What two events lead to American involvement in WWI? Lusitania and Zimmerman Telegram
Which Georgia leader was elected governor in Georgia 4 different terms? Eugene Talmadge
What is Laissez Faire? Who had that attitude about the Great Depression? The idea that the economy would fix itself. Herbert Hoover.
Which New Deal program gave jobs to unemployed men and gave them work on service projects? Civilian Conservation Corps
Who left the governorship of Georgia to become a Senator for 38 years? Richard Russell
What was the Zimmerman Telegram? A secret message sent to Mexico from Germany encouraging them to invade the US during WWI.
How and when did WWI end? Armistice- agreement to stop fighting 11/11/1918
Which military camp was located in Columbus and known as the largest infantry school in the world? Fort Benning
This New Deal program helped to restore faith in the banking system. FDIC
What are the 3 R’s which the New Deal was meant to provide? Relief, Recovery and Reform
Which program brought power to the country? Rural Electrification Administration
What disease did FDR have? How did that lead to him being very popular in Georgia? Polio. He came to Warm Springs.
Why was Georgia already in a deep depression at the start of the Great Depression? Boll Weevil and Drought
What two things was Eugene Talmadge against which lead to him losing his place as governor? New Deal and Integration
What event started WWI in Europe? The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
What lead to the drop in agricultural prices during the Great Depression? Overproduction
What does SSA stand for and what did this New Deal program do? Social Security Administration- allowed benefits for elderly and disabled.
What does it mean to be neutral? Why did America do this to start WWI? Not pick sides in a dispute. It was happening in Europe. Not our issue.
What does integration mean? Putting the races back together.
Who created the New Deal and why? FDR To bring America out of the Great Depression
What is a victory garden? Georgia citizens grew their own crops to allow more food for the troops.
How did Georgians help in the war effort during WWI? Victory gardens, war bonds, textile mills, red cross. Military bases trained soldiers.
What is propaganda? Stories used to persuade the reader. Can be true or false.
When did the stock market crash? October 29, 1929