How to get to the next level in federal contracting: Renee Comfort Chief of Contracts Acquisition Support Line Coordinator May 26, 2010
2 Amarillo Lubbock Abilene El Paso San Antonio Austin Houston Galveston Laredo Harlingen Orange Tyler Wichita Falls Baton Rouge Jackson Montgomery Huntsville Tuscaloosa Rome Columbus Mobile Tallahassee Marietta Tampa St. Petersburg Columbia Greenville Augusta Savannah West Palm Beach Ft. Lauderdale Miami Cape Canaveral Dallas/Ft. Worth © Isnor’s Functional Maps IPT South Central IPT Gulf Coast IPT South Atlantic Legend Austin Reserve Centers Location in Italics (BRAC closure) Athens Ingleside Ingleside New Orleans Key West Corpus Christi Corpus Christi Kingsville Kingsville Andros Andros GTMO GTMO Puerto Rico Puerto Rico Mayport Mayport Blount Island Blount Island Jacksonville Jacksonville Stennis Kings Bay Kings Bay Orlando Orlando Pensacola Pensacola Milton Panama City Panama City Keesler Keesler Gulfport Charleston Charleston Beaufort Beaufort Sumter Sumter Meridian Shreveport Shreveport Albany Albany Fort Worth Fort Worth Athens Pascagoula NAVFAC Southeast
3 Acquisition Support Line Community Management
4 NAVFAC Employee Safety & Health Handbook
5 Safety Evaluation Factor Subcontractor Selection and Safety Narrative: For the upcoming project(s), provide a plan that the Offeror will implement to evaluate the safety performance of potential subcontractors, as a part of the selection process for all levels of subcontractors. Also, describe any innovative methods that the Offeror will employ to ensure and monitor safe work practices are executed during construction at all subcontractor levels. Limit your Subcontractor Selection and Safety Narrative to two pages. (b) Basis of Evaluation: The Government is seeking to determine whether the Offeror has consistently demonstrated a commitment to safety and plans to properly manage and implement subcontractor safety on the upcoming project. The Government’s determination will include an evaluation of the Offeror’s overall safety record including prior subcontractors, the Offeror’s plan to select and monitor safe subcontractors, and innovative methods that the Offeror plans to implement for the upcoming project to ensure a safe working environment for subcontractors at all levels. The Government’s sources of information for evaluating safety may include, but are not limited to, OSHA, Facilities Accidents and Incidents Rates (FAIR), and other related databases. While the Government may elect to consider data from other sources, the burden of providing detailed, current, accurate and complete safety information regarding these submittal requirements rests with the Offeror. The evaluation will consider the following: Experience Modification Rate (EMR) Combined OSHA Form 300A, Combined TCIR, and Combined DART Rate Subcontractor Selection and Safety Narrative
6 Common Proposal Preparation Mistakes The proposal does not address ALL aspects of an evaluation factor – EX: Past performance project narrative requires a point of contact with name and phone numbers; proposal does not provide this data. – Ex: Unable to determine project relevance. – EX: Past performance ratings or client statement of performance are omitted. – EX: The technical qualifications proposal omits a key person such as the fire protection engineer. Believe it or not: The proposal is submitted 5 minutes late or on-time for the wrong time zone
7 Purpose Review Procurement Process Assist firm in preparing future proposals. Reduce misunderstandings Provide results of the evaluation including: > Technical Evaluation - Strengths & Weaknesses > Price Evaluation > Factor Ratings for your Proposal Provide basis of the selection decision Contractor Debriefings
9 Important Web Sites to Enter and Find Information on Federal Contracting - FAR requires contractors to register in the Central Contractors Registration (CCR) to conduct business with the DoD. - FBO is the single government point-of-entry for Federal government procurement opportunities over $25,000. Commercial vendors seeking Federal markets for their products and services can search, monitor and retrieve opportunities solicited by the entire Federal contracting community. - Navy Electronic Commerce Online (NECO) is part of DoD and Navy initiatives to create a Paperless Acquisition process. Use NECO rather than FedBizOpps if you want to narrow your search to only Navy solicitations. - The Naval Facilities Acquisition Supplement (NFAS) can be downloaded from this web site. It is not a stand-alone document, but must be read together with the FAR, DFARS and NMCARS. NAVFAC SE SMALL BUSINESS POC: Nelson Smith, NAVFAC SE ACQ POC for assistance: Ms. Pam Smith, Support Branch Head, ,