What is the value of this clump of cells? …another human or a new hope for the diseased and dying ?
What are stem cells? Cells extracted from a 3-5 day old blastocyst (a mass of developing cells following fertilization) which are pluripotent and not yet differentiated.
Where do stem cells come from? From AMNIOTIC cells From EMBRYONIC cells From ADULT cells From NUCLEAR TRANSFER
AMNIOTIC CELLS Amniotic-fluid stem cells are collected by withdrawing (through a hollow needle inserted into the uterus) some of the fluid surrounding the fetus, or from the placenta, or from tissues shed after birth.
Embryonic Stem Cells Cells gathered from the inner cell mass of a 4-5 day-old embryo fertilized in a laboratory and donated for research.
Adult Stem Cells Cells taken from an adult body where they work to maintain and repair the tissues in which they are found
Nuclear Transfer The nucleus on one cell is removed and replaced by the DNA from another cell to create an embryo from which stem cells may be extracted.
How Are Stem Cells Used ? Cells are grown in a petri dish with nutrients. Millions are produced after a few months. Scientists use chemicals or genetic engineering to modify the cells’ genes to induce the cells to become the desired type of specialized cells
How Are Embryos Created?
The Living Cycle