Parts of the Mass You Need to Know http://catholic-resources
I. Gathering As a community we gather to celebrate the Mass It is a representation of the sacrifice of Christ We sing a hymn as a display of unity We are reminded of Christ’s presence in our midst.
II. Penitential Rite Reflection on our sins in silence Ask for God’s forgiveness and mercy Doesn’t take the place of the sacrament of confession
III. Liturgy of the Word First major part of the Mass Hear the Word of God from Old and New Testament Identify the relevance it has for our lives Readings are usually connected by a central theme Everything that occurs from the first reading to the intercessions are part of the Liturgy of the Word
IV. First Reading Usually taken from the Old Testament Identify the heritage that we share with the Jewish religion
V. Responsorial Psalm We use God’s word to sing his praise and to pray over the word He has spoken Psalms are from the Old Testament (most of which were written by David)
VI. Second Reading Usually from the Acts of the Apostles or the epistles of Paul Identify issues of the early Church Identify how the early Church lived the teachings of Jesus
VII. Gospel Follows the Gospel Acclamation (Alleluia) Taken from Matthew, Mark, Luke or John The most important of the readings Recounts details about the life and ministry of Christ on earth
VIII. Homily Priest explains the readings Shows the relevancy to our lives today Addresses issues facing the Church, society, etc.
IX. Profession of Faith We proclaim our faith, that has been handed down since the time of the Apostles Apostles’ Creed contains 12 key articles of the faith Common forms are the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed
X. Intercessions We plead with God for the needs of: The Church and its leaders The world Our nation Our parish The dead The sick and the suffering For ourselves Etc.
XI. Liturgy of the Eucharist the second general part of the Mass The most important part of the Mass In which the priest consecrates the bread and wine We prepare to receive Christ through the Eucharist The following parts occur during the Liturgy of the Eucharist
XII. Offertory We take up the gifts as offerings for the consecration We take up our offerings for the poor and the Church The priest accepts the gifts on our behalf and mingles the wine and water (to represent Christ’s dual natures) Priest washes his hands to ask God to sanctify the assembly to be worthy to celebrate the Eucharist
XIII Eucharistic Prayer We praise God through the “Holy, holy holy…” The Act of TRANSUBSTANTIATION occurs in this part Priest asks God to transform the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ Eucharistic Prayer contains the Preface Acclamation, the Sanctus (Holy, holy, holy), the Memorial Acclamation and the Great Amen
XIV. Preface Acclamation The prayer is one of Thanksgiving Its form is handed down through Jewish traditions for blessing and praising God Sanctus comes after this
XV. Memorial Acclamation After asking God to transform the bread and wine, we ask that we too be filled with the Holy Spirit and be united with Christ Great Amen (Doxology) follows
XVI. Communion Rite Includes the following parts The Lord’s Prayer The Rite of Peace The Breaking of the Bread Communion Prayer after the Communion
XVII. Concluding Rite We are given a final blessing We are instructed to “Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.”