Adaptable Leadership
Teaching Method Lecture/DiscussionSelf AssessmentRole Play House (1996) Leadership Quarterly Chapter 9 Inter & intrapersonal skills (already assessed) Pat Howard Leadership Exercise
Basic Idea of House’s Theory Different kinds of Leader’s Behaviors Amount of Subordinate’s Motivation Align emp. goal with org. goal Clarify path to achieve goal Use appropriate behaviour Supportive Directive Achievement Participative Motivation Effort intensity: How hard one works length: How long one works
Directive (path goal clarifying) Supportive Achievement Participative Kinds of Leader Behavior that Increase Subordinate Motivation
Role Ambiguity Motivation To understand why path goal clarifying behavior is motivating, consider why subordinates may not motivated Role Ambiguity=Lack of clarity on –what is expected –How one’s performance will be evaluated –Criteria for evaluation
Clarify what the performance goals are Instructs how to effectively carry out tasks to accomplish goals Identify what standards will be used to judge performance Schedule & coordinate work Clarify rules, procedures, policies Allocate reward & punishments based on performance Path goal clarifying (directive) behaviors
Path-Goal Clarifying Behavior Reduces Ambiguity Motivation The definition of path goal clarifying behavior implies that it reduces ambiguity
Some contingencies Novel Roles Subordinates with low ability
When subordinate are new to their roles, they may perceive those roles as being ambiguous, path goal behaviors are only effective for those new subordinates Novel roles may foster role ambiguity Path-Goal Clarifying Behavior Role Ambiguity Novelty of Role Motivation
When subordinate are low in ability they may perceive their role as being ambiguous and path goal behaviors may only be effective for those low ability subordinates Low ability may foster role ambiguity Subordinate Ability Path-Goal Clarifying Behavior Role Ambiguity Motivation
Role ambiguity Employee Motivation Leader clarifies role (path & goal) Novelty of role Sub Ability Relative effectiveness of Path goal clarifying behaviors in increasing motivation depends on two contingencies
Directive (path goal clarifying) Supportive Achievement Participative What’s next...
Show concern for welfare Create a friendly and supportive environment What are Supportive Behaviors
How Supportive Behaviors affect Subordinates Supportive Behavior Builds self confidence Builds social satisfaction Reduces Stress Alleviates frustration
Directive (path goal clarifying) Supportive Achievement Participative What’s next...
Set challenging goals Look for improvement Focus on excellent performance Demonstrate that you are confident that subordinates can achieve the high standards of performance you set Achievement Oriented Behaviors
How Achievement Oriented Behaviors affect Subordinates Achievement oriented Behavior Make subordinates to work to achieve higher performance levels Increase subordinate confidence to meet challenging goals
Encouraging subordinates to influence how decisions are made, how work is done What are Participative Behaviors
How Participative Behaviors affect Subordinates Participative Behavior Clarify links between effort, performance & rewards Increase congruence between organizational & individual goals Enable subordinate autonomy Increase subordinate’s involvement & commitment
Sets goals Involves subordinates Encourage when faced with setbacks Specifies how to do achieve goal Directive Supportive Achievement Participative To summarize…
Sample Final Exam Questions Think of instructors in your university career/ supervisors in your job/any other person with a leadership role toward you… –Illustrate how one/more display EACH type of leadership behaviors Path goal, achievement oriented, supportive, participative –Illustrate with an example with the above one similarities and one difference between path goal clarifying behavior vs. achievement oriented Achievement oriented vs. participative Path goal clarifying vs. supportive Supportive vs. participative
Pat Howard Leadership Exercise Each team has 6 students: –3 are “Pat” the supervisor roles, 3 are different subordinates (Chris, Jan, Fran) Pat Roles plan strategy of meeting with different subordinates Pats meet with Chris, Jan, Fran After each meeting, subordinates evaluate Pat & Pat complete self evaluation of leadership behavior After all 3 meetings, Pats get feedback from each of the subordinates (Chris, Jan, Fran) If time permits, round 2 (supervisors and subordinates switch roles with new information)
Supervisors (Pat Howards) display different types of leadership behaviors based on the needs & abilities of the three different subordinates (Chris, Jan, Fran) Supervisors roles need to control own preferences for leader behavior Goals of Pat Howard Leadership Exercise
Writing Task: Sample Final Exam Questions Students with Pat Howard role… –For each the three subordinates, decide who needs what kind of leadership behavior? Plan how you will display it? What will you say/do? All other roles… –How do the instructors of this course/or another course display each of the 4 kinds of leadership behavior – describe with concrete examples
Debriefing Questions Sample Final Exam Questions What leadership style (s) should be most effective for each of the subordinates? Why? How easy/difficult was it for supervisors to change behavior w/different subordinates? For those NOT in Pat Howard Role –What differences did you observe in the behavior of the different supervisors? What made some supervisors more effective than others?
Debriefing Questions Sample Final Exam Questions How does each inter-personal skill influence the degree to which one can change their behavior with different subordinates. Explain how –Social skills, –Self monitoring –Self control
Implications of Pat Howard Exercise Difficulty being flexible w/different subordinates while not appearing to be inconsistent, fake, or unfair Leader’s style changes w/the same subordinate over time (e.g., Chris McBride) To be effective leaders, one needs to tailor one’s behavior to specific situational factors
Sample student answers See Notes section of this slide