Islam: MYTH or FACT? Persepolis activity- Ms. FB
The Quran is the sacred text for Muslims.
The Quran is the sacred text for Muslims. FACT
Most Muslims are Arabs.
MYTH Nearly 80% of Muslims are Asian or African.
The country with the largest population of Muslims is Indonesia.
Islam oppresses women.
The religion is called “Islam,” its followers are called “Muslims.”
The crescent moon is the universal symbol of Islam.
The crescent moon and star symbol actually pre-dates Islam by several thousand years, and wasn't affiliated with Islam at all until the Ottoman Empire placed it on their flag.
Islam is intolerant of other faiths.
The Qur'an commands Muslims to protect from harm not only mosques, but also monasteries, synagogues, and churches – because "God is worshipped therein."
In Islam, it is not important to care about and give to the poor.
3) Giving Zakat (Support of the Needy)
Muslims believe in Jesus.
The God worshipped by Muslims is called “Allah.”
Muslims fast for an entire month to show their devotion to their God.
Muslims are violent, terrorist extremists.