LIME (Endpoint-type LCIA Methodology for Japan) Calculation of Impact Factors for Damage Assessment of Land-use due to Waste Landfill and Resource Extraction II Ryouta*, NAKAGAWA Ai*, ABE Kazuko*, ITSUBO Norihiro**, INABA Atsushi** * Pacific Consultants Co., Ltd. / JAPAN ** National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology / JAPAN Inventory Impact Category Category Endpoint Safeguard SubjectsSingle Index Single index Other endpoints (e.g. cancer) Terrestrial ecosystem Other categories (e.g. Urban air pollution, Global warming, Hazardous chemicals,…) Land use Damage AssessmentCharacterizationQuality AnalysisWeighting Fossil fuels Waste Metals/Materials Land Emissions to air, water, soil Resource Consumption Primary Productivity Ecosystem Biodiversity Human life Waste (final disposal) Human health Social assets User cost
Calculation of Damage Factors Investigation of related land-use (=default inventories on land-use) Impact factors on ‘eco-system’ by land-use due to waste landfill and resource extraction were developed. Calculation of 2 damage indicators per 1m 2 land-use by each activity Safeguard Subject: Biodiversity Damage Indicator: Increment of Extinction Risk of Vascular Plants By Lost Population Safeguard Subject: Primary Productivity Damage Indicator: Loss of Net Primary Production By land change and occupation
A Case Study Comparison of recycling/disposal systems of MSWI residues solidification of fly ashash treatment landfillextraction of aggregate production of cement ,0001,2001,4001,600 #3 CO 2 (kg) #2 # NPP damage (t) #3 #2 #1 Results for CO 2 and Land-Use is quite different for this case. Land-use aspects is worth to include in LCA for IWM Expanded Systems for Equal Functional Units Treatment of 1,000kg MSW residues Production of 476kg aggregates Production of 1,630kg cements System #1Landfill of MSWI residues System #2 Slag production by ash melting Landfill of fly ash after solidification System #3 Eco-cement (production of cement from MSWI residues)