Persistent unfaithfulness in a nation stirs God’s wrath, Eze. 14:12-20 ✧ Israel involved in idolatry ✧ God’s providence brought destruction ✧ Three righteous.


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Presentation transcript:

Persistent unfaithfulness in a nation stirs God’s wrath, Eze. 14:12-20 ✧ Israel involved in idolatry ✧ God’s providence brought destruction ✧ Three righteous men could not deliver it

Is our nation at the point of no return? ✧ Persistent rebellion ✧ It may not be delivered ✧ Let us be righteous

Righteous in the midst of wickedness, Gen. 6:5-8 ✧ In the world, not of the world, Jn. 17:15 ✧ Stranger on earth, Heb. 11:13

He influenced his family for good, Gen. 7:7 ✧ Fathers to train their children, Prov. 29:15 ✧ Let the Lord build the house, Psa. 127:1

Was a preacher of truth, 2 Pt. 2:5 ✧ Disseminate the gospel, 2 Tim. 2:2 ✧ Teach when resisted, 2 Tim. 4:2

Obedient to God’s commands, Gen. 6:22 ✧ Listen to God’s word, 2 Pt. 3:18 ✧ Trust His word, 2 Cor. 4:16-18

Righteous while young & far from home, Dan. 1:1-8 ✧ God knows everything, Psa. 139:7-12 ✧ Remember God in youth, Ecc. 12:1

Discharged duties faithfully, Dan. 6:1-3 ✧ Work well, Col. 3:22-4:1 ✧ Work hard, Prov. 14:23

Faithful even when life threatened, Dan. 6:7-17 ✧ Blessed to suffer, Mt. 5:10-12 ✧ Keep the faith to point of death, Rev. 2:10

Righteous even with great riches, Job 1:1-3 ✧ Covetousness is sinful, 1 Tim. 6:9, 10 ✧ Riches used for the Lord, Acts 4:36, 37

Concerned about children’s souls, Job 1:4, 5 ✧ Education: emphasis on school or Bible? ✧ Marriage: seek riches or righteousness?

Sinless in tragedy, Job 1:20-2:10 ✧ Is God unfair? ✧ Chastening shows love, Prov. 3:11, 12 ✧ Chastening yields righteousness, Heb. 12:9-11