Think About This Situation
In this lesson, you will learn how: To make graphical displays of data To interpret the displays of data To have discussions about the data that is displayed
Investigation One: Shapes of Distributions
Black Bear Data
Some data distributions are approximately normal (mound shape). In a normal distribution, there is one peak and it tapers off on both sides. Normal distributions are symmetric – the two halves look like mirror images of each other. Their line of symmetry is their center (or mean)
Some distributions have tails that stretch towards the ends. Some tails will stretch towards the larger values, these distributions are called skewed to the right and some tails will stretch toward the smaller values, these distributions are called skewed to the left. It’s easy to remember the skewed direction is where the tail is.
The measure of center that you are most familiar with is the mean (or average). How could you estimate the mean length of the female black bears? What does the mean tell us about a set of data?
You may also already know one measure of spread, the range, which is the difference between the highest value (maximum value) and the lowest value (minimum value). Range = maximum value – minimum value What is the range of lengths of the female black bears?
Now use the ideas of shape, center, and spread to describe the distribution of lengths of the male black bears.
Measures of center (mean and median) and measures of spread (such as the range) are called summary statistics. Why are they called summary statistics?
1.You will use the STAT key for this. 2.The first thing you want to do is put your collected data into the calculator. a.STAT key b.You want to EDIT c.You want to put your data into L1 (list one) d.If there is data in your calculator, hit STAT then CLEARLIST. You have to tell the calculator which list to clear. 3.Go to STAT PLOT a.Hit 2 nd then Y= key b.Turn the plot ON c.Select the TYPE d.Make sure that you tell the calculator where to look for your data (Xlist) 4.ZOOM STAT
What are the two most important measures of center?
1.Get into four groups – should be groups of 6 or 8 2.Once you get into your groups, have a member of your group come and get a container. 3.Once your group get a container, each member should reach in the container and get out a hand full of Life Savers.
Using the median as your measure, in your notebook describe the center of your groups set of data. Your set of data would be the number of Life Savers collected.
Can you show me the median of your set of data?
If the median is a measure of center, what does the median tell us about the data or the distribution of data?
Without talking, I want your group to show me the mean of your set of data.
If the mean is a measure of center, what does the mean tell us about the data or the distribution of data?
Summarize the Mathematics
Check Your Understanding