BHS LIBRARY 1 Year Plan and 5 Year Vision
MISSION Ensure students are effective users and producers of ideas and information 3 Functions of LIT Program: 1. Information Technology Instruction 2. Reading Advocacy 3. Information and Resources Management BHS Mission: provide each student with an equal opportunity to achieve excellence, to graduate with a quality education, and to contribute to a diverse community as a confident and responsible young adult
What do BHS students want? Stronger school community More ownership opportunities in the school Relevant skills for life after graduation Support from teachers, administrators, and staff To enjoy coming to school!
Year 1: Getting Started Get to know school community 1. Students 2. Teachers 3. Administrators 4. Parents Establish Library Advisory Committee Pie-chart planning for 3 functions of LIT program
Year 1: Information Technology and Instruction Meet with classroom teacher to determine appropriate lessons for 9 th and 10 th graders Support classroom curriculum for research projects Teach Citation skills for 10 th graders – Annotated Bibliography
Year 1: Reading Advocacy Book Talks to 9 th and 10 th graders Book Club
Current Library Website
Year 1: Information Management & Services Library website makeover! 1. Student resources 2. Booklists 3. Calendar 4. Blog 5. Teacher links Social Networks (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram) Track /Evaluate Pie Chart Plan
5 year Vision: Information and Technology Instruction Teach digital citizenship for 9 th graders – be safe, ethical, and responsible Teach Big 6 #2 Information Seeking Strategies and #3 Location and Access for 10 th graders Tech Talks – Webcasts available online Bringing in emerging technologies – 3d printers…
5 Year Vision Learning Commons model – Library is a collaborative and individual learning environment Students ready for life after graduation with Information / Technology skills Collaboration and Support for integrating technology for classroom teachers Expand learning beyond the walls – physical and virtual space – 24/7 access
5 Year Vision: Reading Advocacy Collection arranged by genre! Student created book trailers March Madness Blind Date with a Book Author talks Comfortable reading space Featured book displays
5 Year Plan: Information Management & Services Student-centered MakerSpace Library Website 1. Shelfari 2. Tech Talks 3. Twitter and Instagram 4. Librarian Blog 5. Calendar 6. Teacher Resources 7. Parent Newsletter Parent volunteer program Connect with Commons
5 year plan: Connect Library with Commons: Library Café Library fundraiser Student ownership – students have a voice in how café funds are spent towards library resources Incentive for students to support their own learning