Information Architecture Week 12
Information Architecture CALENDAR
Information Architecture AGENDA Blane’s Midterm Presentation Talk about the final project Web Design Practices KCC Usability Research Project Brief Talk about your reading assignment When Bad Design Elements Become the Standard By Jakob Nielsen Examining the Role of De Facto Standards on the Web By Heidi Adkisson _on_the_webhttp:// _on_the_web Heidi Adkisson’s Master's thesis completed in December, 2002 at the University of Washington Read the intro and skim the rest. Sign up for data collection web sites. A brief walk-through of how to collect data.
Information Architecture FINAL PROJECT There are three primary parts to the final assignment: 1.Usability Group Research Project You will all work as a team to collect data, analyze it, and update a web site that showcases all of the data and results. 2.Two Visual Mock-ups/Comps of your selected web site’s home page. You will be redesigning the home page of the site that you have been studying during the first part of the semester. You will be creating two (2) completely different designs. 3.Updated Digital Client Documentation Packet Simply add a last page containing your 1st draft visual comps. Update the conclusion if necessary. Post it on your class web page.
Information Architecture ASSIGNMENT Begin Data Collection How to do it? 1.Download the MASTER spread sheet off the class web site and save it locally and rename it s2007_usabilityResearch_YOURNAME.xls. 2.Visit each of your web sites and fill out the data for each column. I will show you how to do so in class and we will work on this in class. 3.Bring your spreadsheet to class next week. We will then begin the process of double-checking the data, consolidating it, and copying and pasting all data into the MASTER spreadsheet. Due Week 13
Information Architecture Start redesigning the home page of your web site that you have been studying during the 1 st half of the semester. Reading Assignment: READ: When Bad Design Elements Become the Standard By Jakob Nielsen READ: Examining the Role of De Facto Standards on the Web By Heidi Adkisson _standards_on_the_webhttp:// _standards_on_the_web SKIM: Heidi Adkisson’s Master's thesis completed in December, 2002 at the University of Washington Read the intro and skim the rest. ASSIGNMENT Due Week 13