The Structure of an Argument Every argument consists of three parts….
1. The CLAIM The CLAIM is the statement being offered as true. Synonyms: assertion, statement, argument The Death Penalty deters crime.
2. The EVIDENCE The EVIDENCE is the information being offered in support of the claim.. Synonym: data Examples: Statistics, Quotes from experts, factual examples States that use the death penalty have lower crime rates.
3. The REASONING The REASONING is the link in thought between the evidence and the claim. TYPES: There are five types of reasoning: Example Causal Authority Sign Analogy My reasoning is Causal. I claim that lower crime rates were directly CAUSED BY the use of the death penalty.
All 3 parts together… EVIDENCE: Many states that use the death penalty have lower crime rates. CLAIM: The Death Penalty deters crime. REASONING : My reasoning is Causal. I claim that lower crime rates were directly CAUSED BY the use of the death penalty.
All 3 parts together… EVIDENCE: Unemployment is dropping. Housing starts are rising. Interest rates are stable. CLAIM: Our economy is not heading toward a recession. REASONING : My reasoning is Sign. I claim that these are the factors which show that we are not in a recession.
All 3 parts together… EVIDENCE: My 2 nephews play video games and they are violent kids. CLAIM: Excessive video game playing causes violent behavior.. REASONING : My reasoning is Example. I claim that because the claim is true for my nephews, it is true for everyone.
All 3 parts together… EVIDENCE: Rockwood does it this way and they like it. CLAIM: Having finals before winter break will be a good thing. REASONING : My reasoning is Analogy. I claim that because it was good for Rockwood, it will be good for Parkway.