How to improve linkages of Social Protection and Employment and Policy Options GROUP WORK
Purpose of the game Designing and implementing integrated social protection and employment strategies by: 1. Increasing coordination between institutions at national and sub national levels 2. Identifying policy priorities and designing benefit packages in the field of social protection and employment 3. Enhancing development linkages between SP schemes and Employment programs Objective of the activity
Rules of the game 3 teams All the teams throw the dices : - they advance on the board corresponding to the number on the dices - they spread social protection and employment services in the corresponding number of “districts” - all the teams have 2 minutes to prepare the questions that correspond to the number of the district The others vote whether the proposition is correct/acceptable or not, and provide comments At the end of the game the team that is closest to the Arrival is the winner Rules
Question 1 Give 6 line ministries that should be involved in the design of the National Social Protection and Employment Strategies and propose a mechanism to involve them in this design Back to the map Coordination between institutions
Question 2 To ensure that the monitoring of the National Social Protection and Employment Strategies are coordinated at national and sub-national levels, propose 2 different measures Coordination between institutions Back to the map
Question 3 BACK TO DEPARTURE Coordination between institutions Back to the map
Question 4 How would you involve the OWSO in the implementation of the National Social Protection and Employment Strategies? Coordination between institutions Back to the map
Question 5 What could be the role(s) of the Governor’s office and Provincial technical coordination committees in the implementation and monitoring of the National Social Protection and Employment Strategies at sub national level? Give three examples of possible roles. Coordination between institutions Back to the map
Question 6 What could be the role(s) of the Councils for Women and Children –CCWC- and District Development Committees –DDC- in the implementation and monitoring of the National Social Protection and Employment Strategies? Give 3 examples of possible roles. Coordination between institutions Back to the map
Question 7 What could be the role(s) of the workers and employers representatives in the implementation and monitoring of the National Social Protection and Employment Strategies? Give 4 examples of possible roles. Coordination between institutions Back to the map
Question 8 When implementing the National Social Protection and Employment Strategies, to what extend will you use the data of the ID poor database and update it? Give 3 possible linkages with the ID Poor database. Coordination between institutions Back to the map
Question 9 What key information that is not available today could be available from a Labour Force Survey ? List 3. Coordination between institutions Back to the map
Question 10 How would you ensure that the access to Social Protection schemes and Employment services is increased in remote areas ? Provide 3 suggestions. Coordination between institutions Back to the map
Question 11 What would you recommend to facilitate collection of information on beneficiaries utilization of SP and employment services sharing of this information between existing institutions? Provide 2 recommendations. Coordination between institutions Back to the map
Question 12 FOUR STEPS BACKWARDS Back to the map Coordination between institutions
Question 13 Provide 5 indicators to measure the implementation of Social Protection and Employment Strategies in Cambodia? Policy priorities & benefit packages Back to the map
Question 14 Please design a health care benefit package that will ensure access to maternal, neonatal and child’s health care to all poor and vulnerable in Cambodia. Policy priorities & benefit packages Back to the map
Question 15 What can you propose to ensure that the services covered by Health Care benefit packages are available in all Health Care facilities (from HC posts to national hospitals)? Policy priorities & benefit packages Back to the map
Question 16 Give 2 examples of how a health benefit package would improve the employment outcome of a family? Policy priorities & benefit packages Back to the map
Question 17 TWO STEPS BACKWARDS Policy priorities & benefit packages Back to the map
Question 18 What would you do to ensure that mothers receive proper training in the field of nutrition and education of children, etc.? Policy priorities & benefit packages Back to the map
Question 19 What can you propose to increase access to education for children coming from vulnerable families ? Propose 2 different measures. Policy priorities & benefit packages Back to the map
Question 20 Which concrete measures would you propose to i ncrease productivity and employment in the agriculture sector ? Propose 2 different measures. Policy priorities & benefit packages Back to the map
Question 21 Which concrete measures would you propose to ensure that the training and skills development system (through general education and TVET) responds better to market needs ? Propose 2 different measures. Policy priorities & benefit packages Back to the map
Question 22 THREE STEPS BACKWARDS Policy priorities & benefit packages Back to the map
Question 23 How would you ensure that the SME sector is being developed rapidly? Propose 2 different measures. Policy priorities & benefit packages Back to the map
Question 24 Propose the design of a combined benefit package that contributes to reducing the high drop-out rates (63%) of Cambodian youth including a mix of programs (transfers, scholarships, re-entry program, etc.). Policy priorities & benefit packages Back to the map
Question 25 In which sectors of the economy should PWPs be prioritized? Propose 3 priority sectors and explain the content of the PWP. Policy priorities & benefit packages Back to the map
Question 26 Propose 1 concrete measure to increase outreach of TVET and access to social protection programs in rural areas. Policy priorities & benefit packages Back to the map
Question 27 In which sectors should TVET be further developed? Propose 3 priority sectors of the economy and explain the content of the TVET. Policy priorities & benefit packages Back to the map
Question 28 Propose 1 concrete measure to reduce informality among market and street vendors. Policy priorities & benefit packages Back to the map
Question 29 Propose 1 concrete measure to increase income security of the elderly and build the human capital of the next generation. Linking Social Protection & Employment Back to the map
Question 30 SEVEN STEPS BACKWARDS Linking Social Protection & Employment Back to the map
Question 31 Propose 1 concrete idea to ensure that the remittances better contribute to economic growth and human capital development Linking Social Protection & Employment Back to the map
Question 32 How can Employment policies enhance Social Protection outcomes? Give 3 examples. Linking Social Protection & Employment Back to the map
Question 33 How can Social protection policies enhance Employment outcomes? Give 3 examples. Linking Social Protection & Employment Back to the map
Question 34 Please describe a combined benefit package including Access to Health Care Access to Education for children and their mothers Suggest the average cost of the health care benefit package per person per year, minimum school attendance and health care utilization benchmarks if any, amount of transfers if any, etc. Linking Social Protection & Employment Back to the map
Question 35 Please describe a combined benefit package including Child care centres and access to TVET for working age women – describe the amount of transfers and compensations if any as well as the conditions for the utilization of the child care centres. Linking Social Protection & Employment Back to the map
Question 36 Please describe a combined service including Access to TVET and micro-enterprise creation Access to health care for former garment workers (who are returning to the rural areas) Describe the amount of transfers and loans if any as well as the conditions to obtain this financial support. Linking Social Protection & Employment Back to the map
Question 37 Please describe a combined benefit package including : PWP s Access to Health Care and Nutrition Describe a realistic number of days of work, income per day and minimum HC and nutrition package. Linking Social Protection & Employment Back to the map