Turn to your partner and ask them this question over and over again until I bring you back to center.
An arguable statement (when you say arguable, make a fist with both of your hands and rotate them back and forth in front of your body).
Turn to your partner and tell them what I just said.
Claims of fact.
Turn to your partner, use big gestures and explain what I just said.
Claims of fact are often qualified by such terms as generally, probably, or as a rule. To be valid, claims of fact must include sufficient and appropriate data.
Turn to your partner and tell them what I just said.
Claims of value assert that something is good or bad, more or less desirable.
Claims of value make a judgment. Claims of value express disapproval and/or approval. Some claims of value are simply expressions of taste, preferences, and prejudices.
Opera is not as entertaining as musical comedy. Turn to your partner and discuss why this is a claim of value.
The death penalty as applied in the United States is immoral.
Turn to your partner and make a claim of value. Discuss why it is a claim of value and be prepared to share with the class.
Turn to your partner and tell them what I just said.
Claims of policy assert that one course of action is superior to another.
Claims of policy argue that certain conditions should exist.
Claims of policy advocate adoption of policies or courses of action because problems have arisen that call for solutions.
Almost always "should" or "ought to" or "must" are included in the claim.
Here’s an example of an claim of policy: The private ownership of automatic and semi-automatic weapons in the United States should be banned.
Fetal tissue research should not be funded by the United States government.
Now turn to your partner and discuss how each type of claim is different from the other.
1. A claim is an arguable statement 2. You can’t argue a claim. 3. All claims are based on facts. 4. There are five primary types of claims. 5. The three types of claims are claims of fact, policy and value. 6. Claims of value argue whether something is a fact. 7. Claims of fact assert something is true or not true. 8. Claims of policy assert one course of action is better than another. 9. A claim of value argues that something is either good or bad. 10. All claims should be supported with evidence.
I want you to write that type of claim in the middle of your paper, on the fourth line where your title goes.
The New York Yankees are the best baseball team in the major leagues.
All students that are tardy for class three times should have to complete one hour of community service for the school.
The Illuminati are real and increasing their numbers.
The New York Yankees are the best major league baseball team. My evidence is that they have won more world series titles than any other team, they have more players in the hall of fame than any other team, and they had the best baseball player to ever live, Babe Ruth.
For the next step you will add a paragraph about the first reason or piece of evidence you are using to support your claim.
Once you have finished your second paragraph, you should add another paragraph about the second reason supporting your claim.
Now you should add a paragraph that explains the third reason you are using to support your claim.
Finally, all you have to do is write a closing for your essay. Be sure to restate your claim and to give your reader a sense of closure.