Pierre Le Borgne (+ Gary, Hervé, Jean-François, Chris,…) Météo-France/CMS, Lannion Lima, june 2010 Europe Report ESA/Medspiration 2 ESA/CCI ERNESST
Outline Introduction EUMETSAT/OSI-SAF ESA/AATSR ESA/Medspiration GMES/MyOcean ESA/CCI –> see Craig ERNESST Conclusion
OSI-SAF Polar Orbiter METOP –Full resolution 1km, global –0.05°, 12h, global –2km, 2/day, NAR NOAA-19 –2km, 2/day, NAR
Geostationnary MSG –0.05°, hourly, 60EWNS –Experimental SDI DW Fronts GOES-E –0.05°, hourly, 135W-15W 60NS night only New method developments: see presentation on thursday
Pas de données de jour OSI-SAF
AATSR Processor Update AATSR operational processor will be updated later this year –Current estimate is mid-September 2010 Will provide updates to –Alignment of forward and nadir views –Visible channel calibration –SST retrieval coefficients New SSES will be provided in updated L2P
L2P NRT Processing NRT Operational from 1 st December 2008 Performance excellent when NRT data available See graph Improved performance downloading files from Rolling Archive No AOD or SST Analysis in the product. Still using ECMWF data via BADC and not direct link.
L2P NRT Performance May Acquisition to L2P generation.
L2P NRT Processing. May PAC Performance
L2P Offline Processing ATSR-1, ATSR-2 provided by NEODC. Aligned ESA with NEODC AATSR. All data to 31/12/2008 provided by NEODC AATSR and 2010 data responsibility of ESA to generate at UK-MM-PAF 2009 and 2010 completed at UK-MM-PAF. No gaps. Nominal Offline L2 Processing switched on. All L2P on FTP server. LTO to be distributed to Cat1 users (LTSRF - Ken Casey). Announcement to be made on Earthnet web page.
ERS Envisat 2006 ERS Envisat operations should end in 2010, but Member States have agreed to fund a 3-year extension Envisat mission extension 1 st Tandem 2 nd Tandem ERS SAR Tandem 3 rd Tandem New orbital parameters The Envisat 3-years extension requests a modification of the orbital parameters in 2010 to be able to operate the satellite with minimum hydrazine. Envisat satellite is in good health and with an expected reasonable evolution. Efficient consumption of on-board hydrazine allows operating nominally Envisat until 2010 (nominal lifetime ended in Feb. 2007). But most of hydrazine will be consumed by 2010.
Envisat Envisat mission extension The new orbital parameters allow: 1.to keep current nominal mission until October 2010, 2.to extend the mission until end 2013, 3.to allow operations of all instruments with small or no degradation of their measurements, and minor impact on data quality, excepted for SAR interferometry 4.to commit with the satellite disposal rules. End-October 2010: Altitude change: km Repeat cycle: 30 days / 431 orbits Orbit control: altitude control with inclination drift Mean Local Solar Time variation: +/- 10 min. Detailed information will be provided during ESA Living Planet Symposium (28 June 2010)
Envisat mission extension Oct May 2012 Mid km
Suspended service (No data to users) Quasi-nominal service (Data to users with quality disclaimer) Nominal service (Data to users) Commissioning phase Start-up operations phase Phase E2 35 days cycle orbit inclination control Phase E3 30 days cycle no orbit inclination control Transition Phase Altitude decrease: km Nominal service (Data to users) Oct2 Nov 2014 Phase E2.1Phase E2.2Phase E3.1Phase E OctEnd 2010 Satellite manoeuvres 22 Oct 26 Oct Envisat orbit change in October 2010 #1 and #2 #3 and # Oct2 Nov 2014 End 2010
Sentinel–3 Overview The Sentinel 3 Mission is part of the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) initiative Sentinel- 3 is an operational mission in high-inclination, low earth orbit Full performance achieved with 2 satellites in orbit Sentinel-3 implements 3 core missions to deliver continuity to existing ones: Sea and land colour data, at least at the level of quality of the Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) instrument Sea and Land surface temperature, at least at the level of quality of the Advanced Along-Track Scanning Radiometer (AATSR) instrument Sea surface topography data at least at the level of quality of the Envisat Radar Altimeter (RA) system In addition, the optical payload design will allow data continuity of the Vegetation instrument (on SPOT4/5), enhanced fire monitoring capabilities.
Sentinel-3 Instrument swath overlay Ground track spacing (with 1 Satellite) after 1 day = 2810 km 3 days = 1450 km 4 days = 750 km 27 days = 104 km SLSTR Nadir swath is ~1375 km Inclined swath is ~700 km See presentation of Craig Donlon on Thursday (16:40)
Medspiration 2
New objectives Continue to deliver quality and improved products Support and enable development of advanced services based on SST Deliver routinely data or information tailored to reach large audience, e.g. TV channels or internet Support specific user needs Implement and deliver routinely on-demand custom products for specific scientific projects or applications, e.g. ESA/BioDiversity (Galapagos/Coco Islands), SMOS (Amazon basin and Tropical Atlantic),...
Products L4 :Ultra-high resolution (2km), daily, gap free, multi-sensor merged maps of SST in support to projects Mediterranean Sea Complete time series will be produced over the full Medspiration era ( ) Amazon basin In support to SMOS salinity mission North-East Australia In support to Great Barrier Reef monitoring South-Africa In support to dynamic characterization from multiple sensor (SAR, SST, Ocean color)
Media and public outreach
Odyssea processing chain Major improvements have been undertaken in the last year in order to deliver a sustained quality product, cope with lack of data, cross sensor intercalibration, interpolation, regional properties Processing chain now being integrated and tested in operational environment These products will be available routinely starting from September 2010 (24h delay after satellite acquisition) Main changes : Taking into account history : Odyssea uses the previous analysis (or Climatology after several days without any data) as background and updates with data increments daily intercalibration by estimating daily large scale bias fields (~synoptic weather scales) for each single source. New reference = daily global large scale SST field constructed with observations from all the sources (to avoid relying on a single sensor, even if very good quality like AATSR, and ensure continuous and sustained quality) Regional properties for interpolation local correlation scales estimated at each grid point variograms estimated locally, taking into account regional differences and anisotropy
MyOcean production centres Service Interface 5 TACs: Thematic Assembly Centers –“Observations” 1 global and 6 regional MFCs: Monitoring and Forecasting Centers –“Model / Assimilation” Each Production Unit –under operational commitments to deliver a service (OLAs) –Conducting R&D, Integration, Operations, and Assessment Sea Level SST Ice/Wind Color In Situ TAC Arctic Baltic Atl. NWS Atl. IBI Med Sea Black Sea Global MFC 12 PRODUCTION UNITS
MFCs and regions 1. Global 2. Arctic 3. Baltic 4. NWS 5. IBI 6. Med Sea 7 Black Sea MOON & MedGOOS GOOS/ Godae NOOS BOOS Arctic GOOS Black Sea GOOS 6 IBI-ROOS
SST TAC partners & roles UK Met Office : global L4 NRT production (OSTIA, GMPE), global L4 re-processing (OSTIA re-analysis) M-F/CMS : SST TAC overall coordination, regional NRT L3 production (European Seas), L2P NRT quality control and monitoring IFREMER : SST TAC service desk, MDB operation, global NRT L3 and L4 production (ODYSSEA), regional NRT L4 production (North West Shelves) NOCS : HRDDS operation CNR-ISAC : regional NRT L4 production (Med Sea and Black Sea) DMI : regional NRT L4 production (Baltic) Met.no : regional NRT L4 production (Arctic)
Some SST TAC products examples OSTIA reanalysis : monthly mean anomaly, 02/1992 Arctic analysis, 30/09/2009 Black Sea analysis, 04/06/2009
-Assimilation? -Validation? MFCs needs?
MyOcean SST validation Quality control (QC) activities produce flags in Real time :green yellow red Validation activities are performed in delayed mode and aim to provide detailed information on the accuracy of the products. Both inputs (L2P) and outputs (L3) to the production centre are subject to QC and validation For QC and validation the reference datasets are SST climatology, drifting buoy measurements and the AATSR derived SST fields All Myocean SST products will be validated against AATSR L3C
MyOcean SST validation regions
MyOcean and SST TAC : next steps This summer : integration and testing of interfaces between MyOcean Dissemination Units and central systems (products access both through FTP and OpenDAP/THREDDS servers) This autumn : verification and validation activities of the SST TAC production and service December 2010 : MyOcean production and service operational (V1) In parallel : start of preparation activities for the MyOcean-2 proposal (2012 2014, proposal submission to European Commission end of 2010)
ERNESST Research themes # Improving retrieval of surface temperature from satellite radiances # Cloud/rain detection and reducing cloud-related biases # Exploiting the system of satellite observing systems coherently # Accounting for diurnal variability in surface temperature # Integrating satellite and in situ observation systems
ERNESST Activities (past) –Ernesst 1: « Starting » (Reading, 14 Oct. 2009) –Met Office Workshop on Upper ocean Atmosphere interaction (Exeter, 1&2 Dec. 2010) –Validation meeting (Lannion 20 Jan. 2010) –HL meeting (Copenhagen, 18 March 2010) –Consultation on near surface Argo obs (March 2010)
ERNESST Activities (future) –Ernesst 2 : “Getting organized” (Cordoba, 22 Sept. 2010) Institutional matters (structure and finance) Validation Climate HL Retrieval
Conclusion 1 Primary production (OSI-SAF, ATSR): fully operational Interfaces with main users (Medspiration, MyOcean): almost operational Reprocessing/ climate (CCI): starting Coordinated research effort (ERNESST) : starting
Conclusion 2 OSISAF & MyOcean are preparing next phase (2012->) Key issues: –Algorithm biases –Users’needs ?L2P: Naiad, L3?, L4? CCI is launched: much work ahead. Resoources/Manpower? (Ernesst is not funded yet)…. and education!
Myocean regions ~ lat > 67N 30W-2E-20N-60N 20W-13E-48N-65N 9E
Western Europe regions Actual_NW_Shelf North_West_Shelf IBI_ROOS